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Steven W Thrasher column

Weekly, reported commentary on equality, social justice and more from Steven W Thrasher. Follow him on Twitter @thrasherxy
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Walter Scott was shot on camera. When will he receive justice?

    Steven W Thrasher
    Despite video evidence of his killing, the case ended in a mistrial. It is a reminder that American law simply does not value black life
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Bernie Sanders is finally taking risks on race

    Steven W Thrasher
    After a slow start on issues that matter to people of color, the senator is now miles ahead of others on dealing with immigration and criminal justice
  • Steven W Thrasher

    George Zimmerman's gun auction is an ugly symbol of racism

    Steven W Thrasher
    The decision to auction the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin is a stark reminder of the violence constantly aimed at black people in America
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Bernie Sanders isn't winning minority votes – and it's his own fault

    Steven W Thrasher
    The senator should be making racism a cornerstone of his stump speech, but instead he’s practically ceding black and Latino voters to Hillary Clinton
  • Steven W Thrasher

    How dare Bill Clinton shout over Black Lives Matter protesters?

    Steven W Thrasher
    The former president doubled down on policies widely seen as having harmed generations of young black Americans instead of listening to his critics
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Don't tell cancer patients what they could be doing to cure themselves

    Steven W Thrasher
    There are many ways to support someone going through cancer treatment. Recommending pseudo-scientific treatments isn’t one of them
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Clinton's comments on the Reagans and Aids demand more than apology

    Steven W Thrasher
    It is hard but important for those who care about Aids to criticize the frontrunner of the Democratic party, who takes the support of gay voters for granted
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Nancy Reagan, Myron Schultz and Aids in America

    Steven W Thrasher
    The deaths of the former first lady and the doctor who helped uncover the epidemic take us back to the battleground that was Aids in the 80s – a history we should never forget
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Spike Lee's right: black people should wake up to 'Brother Bernie'

    Steven W Thrasher
    The director endorsed the Vermont senator on Tuesday. He’s the latest in a series of black intellectuals to recognise Sanders’ superiority over Clinton
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Suing families of slain black youths is racial capitalism at its most grotesque

    Steven W Thrasher
    Cleveland is suing Tamir Rice’s family for emergency response costs, and the officer who shot Quintonio LeGrier filed for emotional damages. Really, now?
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Tamir Rice was killed by white America's irrational fear of black boys

    Steven W Thrasher
    White America has such a warped view of black people that it will kill them for no reason other than fear
  • Steven W Thrasher

    'No indictment' for Sandra Bland: black women's lives just don't matter

    Steven W Thrasher
    We haven’t done enough to stop the systematic killing of black women before, during and after her death
  • Steven W Thrasher

    The Force Awakens brought Star Wars into the 21st century – and fans back

    Steven W Thrasher
    After all the disappointment kicked off by The Phantom Menace, the franchise won the fans back with an updated storyline that finally feels modern
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Conservatives should blame capitalism for the 'war on Christmas'

    Steven W Thrasher
    Liberals aren’t the ones who replaced the spirit of Christmas with soullessness
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Income inequality happens by design. We can't fix it by tweaking capitalism

    Steven W Thrasher
    The poorest Americans have no realistic hope of achieving anything that approaches income equality. They still struggle for access to the basics
  • Steven W Thrasher

    The men who shot at the Minneapolis protesters want to scare all black people

    Steven W Thrasher
    The alleged white supremacists who injured five people at a Black Lives Matter protest intended to terrorize more than just the people they hurt
  • Steven W Thrasher

    I joined the black student university walkout because enough is enough

    Steven W Thrasher
    It has been a joy to cover my first black student-led demonstrations this year that were about celebrating a victory rather than mourning yet another black death
  • Steven W Thrasher

    'Ban the box' is a band-aid on a gaping wound that is mass imprisonment

    Steven W Thrasher
    A delay disclosing former incarceration until later in a hiring process won’t ultimately prevent discrimination against former inmates
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Learning while black: the latest offense that the police will get you for

    Steven W Thrasher
    A video of a South Carolina sheriff’s deputy arresting a school child is a depressing reminder of how pervasive the violence against black children is
  • Steven W Thrasher

    Donate blood or go to jail: when did US judges become vampires?

    Steven W Thrasher
    A judge in Alabama has allegedly made people who owe court fees choose between jail and blood donation
About 78 results for Steven W Thrasher column