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The Tories’ hidden legacies

Forget Brexit. This is about the policy decisions since 2010 that are more easily forgotten, but which have nonetheless had a profound and possibly permanent effect on life in Britain

  • Tory Hidden Legacy Yemen

    What is the Tories’ Middle East legacy? Quietly tying Britain to the Gulf states and the brutal war in Yemen

    David Wearing
    Labour faces a choice: change course or continue hoovering up petrodollars and turning a blind eye to citizens suffering in the region, says David Wearing, a lecturer in international relations
  • Rebecca Willis

    The Tories will leave one great green legacy that few noticed – Labour must build upon it

    Rebecca Willis
    This government had many climate failures, but its 2014 boost to green energy made the UK an offshore wind superpower, says climate professor Rebecca Willis
  • Jonathan Portes

    Amid the Tories’ fiscal disasters, one change has quietly warped how we see public spending for ever

    Jonathan Portes
    The Tory-created OBR buoyed David Cameron but sank Liz Truss. After the election, it may become Labour’s problem, says economics professor Jonathan Portes
  • Peter Apps

    When I look back on 14 years of Tory rule, there is one awful housing policy that stands out

    Peter Apps
    Holding down benefit rates has sent homelessness soaring and led to an exodus of poorer people from our cities, says Inside Housing editor Peter Apps