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Voice of the people

  • Hannah Jane Parkinson

    Nightmare on Downing St: Cameron is Freddy Krueger in a blue tie

    Hannah Jane Parkinson
    The ‘dream of property owning is alive’, the Tory leader trumpeted at the manifesto launch. Clearly he hasn’t a clue about real life in social housing or the private rental market
  • Hannah Jane Parkinson

    Ed Miliband is reborn as a new statesman but blink and you'll miss it

    Hannah Jane Parkinson
    From his thank-yous to his hand gestures, this was Miliband at his confident best. If enough voters get to see it then Boris Johnson may regret his Thelma and Louise jibe
  • Hannah Jane Parkinson

    Red hot Ed: negative Tories might gift Miliband a non-hung parliament

    Hannah Jane Parkinson
    The Daily Mail and Telegraph attacks and the Conservatives’ negative campaigning is just helping to endear Ed Miliband to the British people