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Arts education

Advice, best practice and resources for arts in education and cultural outreach

June 2016

  • George The Poet performs at Village Underground in London

    The growing popularity of performance poetry is a boost for mental wellbeing

    Spoken word is expressive and free, enabling performers to speak openly and honestly about issues in a controlled and safe environment

March 2016

  • A student makes a nest

    Creating is not just a 'nice' activity; it transforms, connects and empowers

    Paula Briggs
    If we want a world full of innovative, entrepreneurial thinkers, we need to enable and sustain making from a very young age

February 2016

  • An art lesson at a secondary school in Wales

    Is art education running out of Steam?

    Hasan Bakhshi
    More than a third of teachers say they have had less time to teach art and design over the past five years – a holistic approach that brings science, technology, engineering, art and maths together is key

January 2016

  • Macrophotograph of a printed circuit on a flexible material

    Arts, culture, creativity and tech: key trends for 2016

    A panel of artists, designers, composers and coders share the digital and technological developments that will affect arts and culture this year

December 2015

  • British artist John Latham

    It's time to liberate arts education

    Daniel C Blight
    By excluding people who can’t pay the fees, university art courses are undermining culture and democracy

October 2015

  • JS Bach

    We lack a strong enough workforce of professional 'portfolio' musicians

    Sean Gregory
  • Girl playing piano

    Music education is out of tune with how young people learn

    Sarah Derbyshire

September 2015

  • National Youth Dance Company dancers perform (in between) by Jasmin Vardimon

    Young artists have the power to shape the future – let's take them seriously

    Jane Hackett
  • Noëmi Lakmaier’s Cherophobia

    Disability arts
    Disability arts: the challenge of ensuring creative momentum

    Jonathan Meth

June 2015

  • art lesson

    Academic subjects alone won't 'set every child up for life'

    John Newbigin
  • Lucy using the Mr Glue Stories app

    App story
    How we made personalised story app, Mr Glue Stories

May 2015

  • Students listening in a lecture

    What skills do arts sector grads need to develop their career?

    Lorraine Lim
    Higher education institutions have a key role in preparing students to work in a sector with ever-evolving roles and a lack of job security

April 2015

  • Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy

    Alternative finance in arts and culture
    The UK creative sector leads the world in talent – now it needs a strategy

  • Student's hand drawing a symmetrical design

    Our education system is key to ensuring Britain's strength in design

    Jason Bruges

February 2015

  • The Wolfie app

    App story
    How we made the Wolfie piano app

    Named after Mozart himself, Wolfie is a music education tool that speaks the language of today’s children: technology
  • Jo Parker

    A day in the life of ...
    Arts psychotherapy: I am helping to give vulnerable children a voice

    Every child I work with arrives with a different story – I help give them a voice
  • Clam Collective

    Tech talk
    Tech talk: product designers, Clam Collective

    The four young university students on 3D printing and why more young designers should embrace their angry side

January 2015

  • World map

    Young people and the arts: lessons from 50 years of arts policy

    As political parties prepare to set out their priorities for the arts, Deborah Bull of Culture at King’s asks what today’s policymakers can learn from the early pioneers

December 2014

  • Fireworks in Reykjavik, Iceland

    The Guardian Culture Professionals Network’s top 10 stories of 2014

  • Rumer

    Access to music should be every child’s basic right, says singer-songwriter

About 179 results for Arts education