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A rational fear

Topical, politically-charged comedy sketches from Australian satirists A Rational Fear
  • A screen grab from the Minerals Council of Australia's new advertisement promoting coal, as parodied by the team from A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: ‘coal is amazing’ ad reworked as not so 'good for humanity' – video

    The funny guys from A Rational Fear return with a withering takedown of the Australian mining industry’s new advertising campaign which extols the virtues of coal
  • A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: A nuclear winter Olympics - video

    Brisbane puts its bid in for to host the 2038 winter Olympics – only the effects of climate change mean that there are a few other things to worry about other than the lack of snow. Such as Dengue fever, crocs swimming in the streets and typhoons Sheryl, Denise, Jackie, Philippa ... As imagined by topical satirists A Rational Fear

  • A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: you'll fracking love it - video

    Beneath all that pointless nature in the Queensland countryside, lies sweet, sweet coal seam gas. As the sunshine state braces itself for an explosion in coal seam gas wells, satirical rabble-rousers A Rational Fear send in the bulldozers to unearth all the dirt on the mining movement that's going radioactive.

  • Crown of thorns starfish

    A Rational Fear: The Reef - video

    The Great Barrier Reef has lost almost half its coral cover over 30 years. But what's responsible: storms, starfish, or the ship-ton of sand that's being poured on to it to accommodate ships used by the mining industry? Satirists A Rational Fear investigate

  • A Rational Fear looks at Medicare co-payment

    A Rational Fear on the proposed Medicare co-payment – video

    Cough Up! You had better hope you don't get sick before pay day ... the satirical group A Rational Fear imagines how life will be under the proposed GP co-payment scheme that adds a fee to appointments that were once free under the bulk-billing arrangment

  • Easter bunny at the Easter Greg Hunt A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: The Easter Greg Hunt - video

    What will you and your children find on the inaugural Easter Greg Hunt? According to A Rational fear, as part of Diregged Action the Department of the Eggvironment has some hard truths mixed in with the chocolate. It's an attempt to reset eggspectations about a world changed by climate change. 'We're giving them reality,' says a department spokeswoman

  • Mike Baird A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: Who is Mike Baird? - video

    After a tumultuous week, New South Wales has a new premier and the state Liberal party has a new leader but how much do we know about Manly's Mike Baird? Satirists A Rational Fear take a long, hard look at the former treasurer and occasional surfer in their latest video

  • A rational fear Penfolds Grange 1959

    A Rational Fear: choose a wine you can't forget - video

    This week a $3,000 bottle of wine toppled New South Wales premier Barry O'Farrell, after he failed to remember receiving a bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange as a gift from lobbyist Nick Di Girolamo, despite having written a thank-you note. In the light of this, satirists A Rational Fear have made a new advertising campaign for the pricey tipple

  • A Rational Fear: Make it racist

    A Rational Fear: make it racist – video

    Social media just got trickier if you're a public servant; any post critical of the department, minister or PM will get you fired. Yet in Australia, everyone has the right to be a bigot. So if you're upset at work, it's clear what you should tweet instead – as satirists A Rational Fear show us in this sketch

  • A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: how to protest correctly in Victoria - video

    Satirical comedy troupe A Rational Fear provide a handy guide to protesting in Victoria, where the law has been changed in order to make peaceful picketing much more difficult, as the friendly policeman in the film helpfully explains. And if you dirty hippies don't like it, what are you going to do?

  • A Rational Fear - paid parental leave

    A Rational Fear: why skiiers need paid parental leave – video

    Some have accused the Australian government of ignoring society's needy – but, as satirical comedy troupe A Some have accused the Australian government of ignoring society's needy – but, as satirical comedy troupe A Rational Fear demonstrate here, with their paid parental leave scheme they'll ensure that couples like Monique and Henry afford both a child and a skiing holiday

  • A Rational Fear: Green Army

    A Rational Fear: Tony Abbott's Green Army wants YOU! - video

    Are you fit? Aged 17 to 24? Fancy doing something for the Australian environment? Then sign up for the Green Army. All it requires is a positive attitude, a healthy work ethic and a willingness to labour for way less than the minimum wage – as the young recruits played by satire troupe A Rational Fear describe

  • A Rational Fear forestry spoof

    A Rational Fear: Tony Abbott's forestry liberation – video

    Hark! Tony Abbott as a warrior general? A very regal prime minister's plan to liberate Tasmania's forests is the focus for some satirical treatment from the Rational Fear team

  • Dan Ilic of A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: the laws that won't apply at Barangaroo's casino – video

    Lewis Hobba of the Australian satire troupe A Rational Fear looks at the drinking, smoking and environmental laws Sydney's super casino at Barangaroo will be exempt from

  • A Rational Fear

    A Rational Fear: Blokes' questions for Tony Abbott - video

    After Tony Abbott asked for some more 'blokes' questions' when being quizzed at a school in Sydney this week, Australian satire troupe A Rational Fear oblige with the queries we should be putting to the government
