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October 2023

  • Students taking an exam

    The Guardian view on exam reform: schools have more acute problems than a narrow curriculum

    Editorial: An overhaul of qualifications is a good idea. But ambitious schemes to bridge the academic-vocational and Stem-humanities divides will have to wait

February 2022

  • Students take their GCSE exams in a classroom

    Students and teachers in England decry ‘virtually useless’ exam previews

    Foreign languages are particular source of concern, with teachers expressing ‘huge disappointment’

January 2021

  • Studying

    Private entrants to GCSEs and A-levels face second year of delays

  • Two students studying in a classroom

    GCSE, A-level and Sats exams to be scrapped in England this year

October 2020

  • A school exam in progress

    Wales qualifications body urges scrapping of next year's exams

    Welsh government told there should be no GCSE and AS-level exams, and single paper for A-levels
  • John Crace

    'You stupid boy': Boris ticks Private Williamson off over exams U-turn

    John Crace
    The education secretary struggles in vain to avoid looking a hopeless numpty over the grading debacle
  • Dylan Irish

    'A rollercoaster of emotions': students describe sharp end of exams fiasco

    Dylan Irish and Leah Glenday both had their plans for university upended by the grading algorithm
  • A level students celebrate outside the Department for Education in London after it was confirmed that candidates in England will be given grades estimated by their teachers, rather than by an algorithm.

    A-level and GCSE results in England to be based on teacher assessments in U-turn

    Williamson and Ofqual apologise, scrapping standardisation model after outcry

August 2018

  • Students receive their results at Ark Academy in Wembley, London

    A-level results raise policy questions – but first let's celebrate achievement

    Despite the upheaval of the redesigned qualifications, many trends persist

January 2018

  • Secondary school pupils take exam

    Perfectionism is destroying the mental health of my millennial generation

    Daisy Buchanan
    It all began at school, with A-star expectations and a horror of failure. Now we’re on social media platforms, locked into a losing game, says the freelance writer Daisy Buchanan

October 2017

  • Aydin Önaç has been suspended as headteacher of St Olave’s grammar school, pending an investigation by the local authority.

    Head of school that forced students out for missing grades suspended

    Headteacher of grammar which excluded students who failed to get three Bs at AS-level is suspended pending inquiry

September 2017

  • St Olave’s grammar school

    St Olave’s exclusions practice was no secret – we pupils all knew

    Jack Cornish
    It was always made clear to us that the focus was on the school’s performance, to the neglect of individuals’ welfare

August 2017

  • A-level results day in Swindon

    Drop in grades for 'reformed' A-levels unlikely to be down to difficulty

    Outcome of the exams is more likely to be linked to the GCSE results of the cohort taking them, than to tests being tougher

October 2016

  • Students leaving classroom

    Cutbacks force 90% of colleges to offer pupils only three AS-levels

    Students to see larger class sizes and fewer subjects and extracurricular activities on offer due to broad funding cuts says new report

August 2016

  • A-level students celebrate their results at King Edward VI high school for girls in Birmingham.

    What A-level results day tells us about British students

    While results nationally have remained broadly the same, they disguise significant changes at a subnational level

May 2016

  • A teacher marking a poor exam paper

    Exam appeals change could make it tougher to challenge results

    GCSE, AS and A-level examiners will only act on clear marking errors after complaints too many students received boosted grades

December 2015

  • Preschool children fingerpaint in class.

    Preschool education boosts children's academic success, research finds

    Study of 3,000 children suggests significantly more preschoolers end up taking academic route into university than those without same educational start

November 2015

  • Pupils sitting exams

    Number of white working class boys taking AS or A-levels 'shockingly low'

    Research by Oxford University reveals only 29% progress to sixth form compared with 46% from more affluent areas, showing ‘double disadvantage’

September 2015

  • Sixth-former Samantha Onyekwere

    Fears over unfair university admissions as AS-levels disappear

    Universities are trying to decide how to assess candidates after changes to sixth-form exams. Will they be forced to rely more on GCSE results and teacher predictions?

May 2015

  • A-levels gender gap OECD

    Ensuring all pupils reach basic levels of achievement 'could boost economy'

    Economy could grow by more than £2tn by 2095 if underachievers learn basic skills at school and gender gap in some subjects is ended, says report
About 131 results for AS-levels
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