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Applying to university supplement

Advice on choosing a course, writing your application and preparing for university.
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    Open days: a taste of your new home

    See beyond the glossy brochures and websites to get a true feel for a university

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    How to pick your ideal university course

    Choosing five degree choices from 37,000 options is no mean task, so here's a few things to bear in mind.

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    Budgeting at university

  • studying methods

    University challenges you to study independently

    Applying to university: undergraduate teaching and learning styles are very different to schools'. There's no learning by rote, which means lots more freedom. But the other side of the coin is that you'll need lots of self-discipline

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    Choosing a university: apply with care

    Choosing the right university begins with choosing a course you like, says Victoria Neumark

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    • Preparing for an interview

    • Applying to university: Case study corner

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    Choosing a university: Sell yourself

    Preparing your personal statement

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    University lingo explained

    Applying to university: A new college can be a daunting place full of specialist language. On the other hand, there may be phrases that seem so obvious you're afraid to ask. Will Coldwell reviews some of the common questions

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    Liam Burns: 'University will be a life-changing experience'

    Applying to university: NUS president Liam Burns says if you have the chance to go to university, you should grab the opportunity with both hands
