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HE careers clinic

  • rosary

    Predoctoral research assistant: how can I ask for a pay rise?

    A research assistant's responsibilities have steadily increased but her pay has stayed the same. Can she use the research concordat to argue for better wages? What would you advise?

  • monopoly

    Life after a PhD: how do I find an academic mentor?

    An academic is unsure about what to do next and thinks she'd benefit from having a mentor or coach. What advice would you give to help her find the right professional guidance?

  • multitasking

    Tips on finding and joining a research group remotely

    Early-career researcher, and new mother, Roberta Powell-Long, asks how she can build contacts and actively participate in her subject area, while still at home. What would you suggest?

  • best foot

    How to break into university administration

    One job seeker asks for general tips on how best to secure a job in higher education administration. What would you suggest?

  • skype

    How do you do an academic interview via Skype?

    A prospective PhD candidate asks how best to prepare for and present an essay in an interview via internet video calls service, Skype. What are your thoughts?
