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Australian bird of the year (2021)

  • A male superb fairywren

    ‘Tiny little balls of pure joy’: why the superb fairywren took our 2021 Australian bird of the year

  • The male superb fairywrens are known for their blue feathers

    Superb fairywren crowned 2021 Australian bird of the year winner in hotly contested vote

  • Guardian Australia reveals the superb fairy-wren is the winner of the 2021 Australian Bird of the Year poll

    Superb fairywren crowned winner of Australia’s favourite bird poll – as it happened

  • Lenore Taylor announces the winner of the 2021 Guardian/Birdlife Australia bird of the year 


    And the winner is ... superb fairywren announced as the 2021 Australian bird of the year – video

  • Australian birds poster for Guardian/BirdLife Australia bird of the year poll 2021.

    Australian bird of the year 2021: free downloadable poster

    Artist Georgia Angus has drawn 25 birds from this year’s poll and we’ve created a poster for Guardian readers to download and enjoy
  • Crimson rosella in a tree

    I thank my lucky stars for the rosellas that led to my career in ornithology

    Leo Joseph
  • The gang-gang cockatoo, superb fairywren and tawny frogmouth

    And then there were 10: Australian bird of the year heads into final tense day of voting

  • A male spotted pardalote on a twiggy branch

    Birdwatching doesn’t make me forget Covid, but it helps me see life anew

    Debbie Lustig
  • A Gang-gang Cockatoo, Superb Fairywren and Tawny Frogmouth Owl

    Superb fairywren showing strongly in 2021 Australian bird of the year poll

  • hooded plover

    How lovers of the hooded plover are helping the species recover

  • Bird of the Year 2021 illustration by: Georgia Angus.

    Full Story
    The quest to find Australia’s favourite bird

  • Drone and seagull Dublin

    ‘They’re territorial’: can birds and drones coexist?

    Drones can boost conservation efforts and reduce carbon emissions via low-energy deliveries. But that doesn’t mean birds welcome them
  • Kids bird of the year column. Seven-year-old Louis feeding a cockatoo.

    ‘Rainbow magpie’: children give their pick for Australian bird of the year

    Louis favours the sulphur-crested cockatoo, the lorikeet is Leon’s choice, while the all-embracing Matilda loves ‘any bird’
  • Regent Honeyeaters and chicks in their Avairy at Taronga Western Plains Zoo,Dubbo NSW August 2020/Photograph Rick Stevens/20299827

    If the regent honeyeater is ‘voted off the island’ in the bird of the year poll, its love song may be lost forever

    Sean Dooley
    Where once they roamed in vast flocks, today there are fewer than 350 in the wild. Now, when it sings for a mate across a vast canyon, its lovelorn call is met by silence
  • Lauren Hundloe working on a peacock

    Bird taxidermy: the Australian specialists who love birds in life and death

  • Greg Jericho

    My dear readers, why is the majestic pelican not leading 2021 Australian bird of the year?

    Greg Jericho
  • Gabrielle Chan

    Our cheeky pet cockatoo morphed into a little dictator. Then the war began

    Gabrielle Chan
  • The Guardian/BirdLife Australia's bird of the year poll is back with a lineup of 50 native species. To celebrate, press gallery photographer Mike Bowers meets Canberra birdwatcher Geoffrey Dabb to learn all about being a 'birdian'. 


    Australian bird of the year 2021: Meet the 'birdians' – video

  • A silvereye feeding on mulberries

    Silvereyes are my lockdown’s silver lining

  • Lorena Allam

    Magpies in the kitchen: the joy of earning the trust of a wild animal

    Lorena Allam
About 31 results for Australian bird of the year (2021)