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Australian marine parks

May 2021

  • enormous whale shark swims in blue water

    Huge marine parks off Christmas and Cocos islands target illegal foreign fishing

    Morrison government will spend $5.4m creating parks in an area more than twice the size of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

April 2020

  • Can cloud-brightening help save the Great Barrier Reef? Trials have begun – video

    Teams of Australian marine scientists have tested a technique they hope may give the Great Barrier Reef respite from coral bleaching caused by global heating, by spraying ocean salt crystals into the air to make clouds brighter and reflect sunlight away from the reef

March 2018

  • Marine park

    Labor and Greens keep up the fight against Coalition's marine park plans

  • Coral Grouper in Coral Reef, Cephalopholis miniata, Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia

    Our wide brown land
    The 'best' outcome? How the marine park plans divided scientists and conservationists

  • Coral garden and Yellow-striped fairy basslets with Angelfish and Golden damselfish, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia<br>Coral garden and Angelfish, Purple anthias, Golden damselfish

    Labor attacks Greens for dithering over marine park plan

  • Pauline Hanson

    Australian politics live with Amy Remeikis
    Pauline Hanson's One Nation says it will back Coalition's corporate tax cuts – as it happened

  • Greens signal they may not back Labor in blocking Coalition's marine park plans

  • Our wide brown land
    'Leader to laggard': the backlash to Australia’s planned marine park cutbacks

  • Labor vows to block 'largest removal of marine area from conservation, ever'

September 2017

  • David Suzuki

    David Suzuki: Australia's 'sickening' threat to marine reserves undermines global protection

    Conservationist and 1,461 other scientists release statement describing Australia’s oceans as a ‘global asset’ that must be protected

July 2017

  • View of Coral Sea and Wangetti Beach

    Australia's marine parks face cuts to protected areas

    Big reductions in no-take marine protected areas are being considered, going beyond those recommended by an earlier federal government review

September 2016

  • Bougainville Reef

    Australia's marine parks could be significantly reduced after review

    Almost 100,000 sq km of Coral Sea, including important coral reefs, could lose protection from fishing under changes recommended in Abbott-era review