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Americans: the next climate migrants

Fire, floods and heat will gradually force millions of Americans to move. The Guardian documents a process which has already started

  • Shelby Edwards, of Bend, Oregon, is considering relocating to escape the smoke and falling ash that has diminished her quality of life.

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  • Barry O’Meara.

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  • Rick Richo carries water to his home from a nearby water filling station during the mid day heat in Phoenix, AZ

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  • The Hayes' home, after flooding.

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    In many states, laws don’t require sellers to disclose that a property is in a flood or wildfire area, leaving homeowners with unexpected damage and losses
  • Siuslaw national forest, Oregon - the Pacific north-west might be an option for those wanting to flee from climate change’s impact.

    Where should you move to save yourself from climate change?

    Heatwaves, hurricanes and floods will make some places in the US inhospitable
  • Stephen Lipp, climate refugee, Houston

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    Five people from across the US explain how extreme weather forced them out of their homes – not always to safer ground
  • FINAL01 climatemigration - final

    'We're moving to higher ground': America's era of climate mass migration is here

    By the end of this century, sea level rises alone could displace 13m people. Many states will have to grapple with hordes of residents seeking dry ground. But, as one expert says, ‘No state is unaffected by this’