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A climate journey through Ecuador and Peru

John Vidal travels from the glaciers of the Andes to the Amazon rainforest finding out how local people are being affected by the changing climate
  • A climate journey - The Andes: Ecuador's rainforests

    In the final part of his climate journey from the Andes to the Amazon John Vidal reports on the Ecuadorian rainforest tribes campaigning for their government to support eco-tourism over oil extraction

  • A climate journey - The Andes: Water wars

    In the third of a four-part series on climate change, John Vidal visits Espinar in Peru where, with water in increasingly short supply, farmers are engaging in violent confrontation with government forces

  • A climate journey - The Andes: The farmers' struggle

    In the second of a four-part video series on climate change in Ecuador and Peru, Peruvian llama shepherds Pantaleon Choque-Condori and Sebastian Llosa Perez explain how farming in the Andes is changing as climate change hits water availability

  • A climate journey - The Andes: Retreat of the glaciers

    In the first of a four-part video series on climate change in Ecuador and Peru, John Vidal takes us through the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, where the Cayambe mountain glaciers are melting

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