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Ask Parky

Send in your film buff teasers to our movie librarian David Parkinson
  • Cyrano de Bergerac

    Ask Parky: Lost in translation

    Feature: This week your questions answered on great foreign films, bad subtitles and JD Salinger

  • Hamlet

    Ask Parky: improbable families

    This week our film history expert answers your questions on age discrepancies between actors playing family members, silhouette cinema, and dwarf performers

    \fs28 A\fs24 It seems to be. Michael J. Fox was a mere three years older than Crispin Glover when he played his son in Back to the Future (1985) and Jessica Tandy was only two years husband Hume Cronyn's senior when she essayed his daughter in The Green Years (1946). Helen Hunt was a year older than 'father' Nicolas Cage in Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), while Roger Daltrey was born three months before screen dad Robert Powell and only three years after 'mother' Ann-Margret in Tommy (1975).\par
    Cinema's smallest mother-child discrepancy is the six months separating Maureen Stapleton from Dick Van Dyke in Bye Bye Birdie (1963), while the father-child gap appears to be the 331 days between Roger Livesey and Laurence Olivier in The Entertainer (1960). Angela Lansbury was cast as the...

  • Michael Caine and Michael Winner in 1993

    Ask Parky: Michael Winner - occasional chemist

    This week our resident expert answers your questions on Michael Winner and Marlon Brando's unusual bet, sepia-toned subtitles and the world's biggest multiplexes

  • Man of La Mancha

    When actors are not on song

    This week, our resident historian answers your questions on dubbed musicals, decorum at cinemas and small theatrical openings

  • Anita Page

    Ask Parky: Who are the remaining silent movie stars?

    David Parkinson

    This week David Parkinson answers your questions on the last silent era stars, Pearl & Dean and the Golden Globes

  • Oliver Stone's W.

    Ask Parky: The single-letter movie title alphabet

    This week our film historian pieces together an alphabet inspired by Oliver Stone's W. Can you help fill in the gaps?

  • Vinnie Jones

    Ask Parky: Which British sports stars made it big in Hollywood?

    This week David Parkinson answers your questions on sporting screen icons, Graham Greene's missing adaptation and a mystery 60s credit crunch movie

  • Harold Lloyd

    Ask Parky: Was Harold Lloyd a pornographer?

    This week our film history expert answers your questions on amateur snappers, Laurel and Hardy in colour and a rival to Ginger Rogers

  • Ashes of Time Redux

    Of pins and snips

    This week, our trivia master answers your questions on Hollywood's most valuable legs, the vogue for director's cuts and more on the first female close-up

  • Robert Taylor and Greta Garbo in Camille

    Careless whiskers

    Our film historian digs up the facts on the first female close-up (facial hair was involved), a film about a dead man's jaunts and Hollywood's best-value stars

  • Blood and Black Lace

    When will we see a cinematic classic from Equatorial Guinea?

    This week our trivia king answers your questions on countries that haven't spawned a film, dance Oscars and the history of trailers

  • Heath Ledger

    Ask Parky: Parnassus, Quatermass, Butterkist

    David Parkinson

    Our trivia king takes takes you on a guided tour of lookalikes, UK TV spin-offs and the history of popcorn

  • Somers Town

    Ask Parky: Tie me up, tie me in

    David Parkinson

    This week, our trivia treasure trove answers your questions on the illustrious precursors of product placement, TV spin-offs and who's who among the surviving cast of Gone With The Wind

  • Walt Disney with Oscars and Michael Phelps with gold medals

    Ask Parky: The Phelps of the Oscars

    David Parkinson

    This week, our trivia treasure trove answers your questions on multi-Oscar winners, Jewish pig farmers and censorship

  • Ask Parky: As if by magic, will Mr Benn appear?

    This week, our movie trivia master answers your queries on cross-border collaborations, a long gestating animated movie and the history of projected images

  • The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

    Ask Parky: Elementary, my dear Sacha

    This week, our film buff answers your questions on long titles, Sherlock Holmes and the Fox logo

  • The Asphyx

    Ask Parky: swearing, screaming and shushing

    In this week's film trivia slot, our expert answers your queries on when the talkies really took over, kiddie blasphemy and lots of screaming

  • Ask Parky: never work with animals or waxworks

    Ever wondered what the longest film title ever is? Or who the first person was to swear in a 12A? Now you can find out
