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Present traces

A series of films produced by Macquarie University and featured on the Guardian, linked by the use of archive material

  • Experiment 20: the women who defied a controversial experiment – video

    This film by Kathryn Millard 20 dramatises the stories of three women who took part in the psychologist Stanley Milgram’s ‘Obedience to Authority’ experiments in 1962, and insisted on being heard
  • Slasher Patrol: the prowler who shook 1950s Sydney – video

    The imagination of suburban Sydney in the late 1950s was seized by a series of night-time attacks, the work of a mysterious figure the tabloids dubbed 'the Kingsgrove Slasher'

  • The Skin of Others: when Douglas Grant met Henry Lawson – video

  • Paul Daley

    When Douglas Grant met Henry Lawson: new light on Australia's dark story

    Paul Daley
  • Unnatural Deaths: the emotional power of forensic photographs – video

    The surprising ways bereaved relatives view the forensic images associated with the sudden death of loved ones
  • Ray Peckham, a young Indigenous activist captured on film by Asio agents.

    Revealed: how Australian spies filmed Indigenous activists during the cold war

  • Present Traces: Asio Makes a Movie – video
