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Weekend gaming

  • Weekend gaming?

    I'm away the rest of this week so what little gaming time I had this weekend was spent on the PS3. Killzone 3 took up most of the time here and was - in the main - solid rather than truly spectacular. Maybe it hits the heights later in the game? What about you though? How was your weekend gaming?

  • Weekend gaming - Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden

    Gaming time was severely limited for me this weekend. International Cricket 2010 got a – World Cup inspired – quick go but most of the gaming time I had was spent on the move. A four hour train journey – to Rochdale and back – was enlivened by a host of iPhone games. The clear winner was Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden. You can probably guess the genre – RPG - from the title alone but this is a cracking little Zelda clone. Actually it's not that little – Ayden is a meaty action adventure that is as close as you can currently get to Zelda on the iPhone. It will probably lose some appeal when Ocarina of Time arrives on the 3DS but I think Ayden will be in my pocket for a few months yet. Anyway, what about you? How was your gaming weekend?

  • Weekend gaming - Gray Matter

    Bit of a slower one for me this weekend, mainly because I've been reviewing Gray Matter, the upcoming point and clicker for the 360. The fact that a game like this is even being released on the 360 was enough to get me interested in the first place. The genre – popularised by Monkey Island and co around 20 years ago – has seen a resurgence in recent years on mobile and handheld devices (ipad especially) but this is a big(ish) release for a console. As you'd expect the controls take some getting used to. Mouse or touchscreen remain the best ways to interact with games like this. Once you get used to things the action plays out in the languid pace you would expect although some fiddly and occasionally obtuse puzzles raise the temperature. More on Gray Matter when I post a review later this week

  • Weekend gaming - Super Star Wars on the Wii

    Super Star Wars and DC Online Universe for me, but what about you?

  • Weekend gaming?

    My weekend was dominated by the PS3. I had a first go on the charming Little Big Planet 2. More thoughts on this soon. And then - finally! - I managed to get on DC Universe Online. Due to a corrupted data bug I hadn't been able to play since the game launched last week. This weekend saw a patch go live which looks to have fixed the problem. From the brief time I could get on it the game looks good. The action seems more visceral and fluid than most MMOs and the characterisation options are impressive. The small font and slow menus could be an issue though.

  • Weekend gaming?

    My gaming weekend saw me - possibly inspired by our recent Guardian game of the year award - revist Red Dead Redemption. Stunning vistas and superb online co-op made for an excellent return. Elsewhere there was an outing for WoW - the Worgen starter area is an excellent playground - as well as more Lara Croft on iPad. But what about you? How was your gaming weekend?

  • Weekend gaming?

    Mine was centred on the iPad with the likes of Lara Croft Guardian of Light and Dungeon Hunter 2 proving - once again - that tablet gaming has the depth of more traditional consoles. The latter is the better suited to the fomat though - the controls for Lara are just too fiddly. International Cricket 2010 also got a celebratory outing on the 360 too. But what about you? How was your weekend gaming?

  • Long weekend gaming

    How was the Bank Holiday gaming for you?

  • Weekend gaming?

    The last weekend before Christmas then - how was your weekend gaming? Mine was a real mix. International Cricket 2010 and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood for the grown-ups. Just Dance 2 for everyone else. WoW: Catacylsm got a belated but very welcome look in too. But what about you? How was your weekend gaming?

  • Weekend gaming - how was it for you?

    Mine was limited this weekend but I did manage to get some time in with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. The main single player game is great but I keep going back to the excellently tense multiplayer mode. It will be interesting to see if other big titles adopt the sneaky assassination style seen here as one of their multiplayer modes. Anyway, what about you - how was your weekend gaming?

  • Weekend gaming? Just Dance 2 and My First Songs

    Mine was family-friendly but how was it for you?

  • Weekend gaming?

    My weekend gaming was - bar a quick session of Ashes-inspired International Cricket 2010 - family focussed. Most of the time was spent on Kinectimals and Donkey Kong Country Returns. The latter is a great nostalgia trip. Shame it had to replicate the insane difficulty level of old as well. Did gamers simply have more patience then? I certainly must have done

  • Weekend gaming - Donkey Kong and Assassin's Creed

    My gaming weekend was dominated by three games. Donkey Kong Country Returns, Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Donkey Kong is a great slice of retro loveliness on the Wii that works especially well at this time of the year. Or is just me that gets nostalgic about Nintendo at Christmas? Like the original though this is a real challenge - prepare for some festive cursing.

  • Weekend gaming? Divinity Dragon Knight Saga and Rugby League Live

    Kinect and Black Ops may be the big releases but I've been playing some lower key new titles this weekend. First up was Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga for the Xbox 360. The original Divinity II was released 12 months ago and got lost behind the similarly themed RPG Dragon Age. Now with improved graphics and controls - plus a hefty add-on release - Divinity II deserves a wider audience. This is a beautiful role playing game which encourages exploration and experimentation while keeping you at least interested in the main plot. Like all European RPGs it suffers from a lack of hand holding - though some players will appreciate the lack of glowing quest trails and waypoints - and appalling voice acting but don't let that put you off. From what I've seen so far this could well end up being a cult hit on the 360.

  • Weekend gaming - Fable III? Force Unleashed 2?

    Some big titles arrived this weekend - namely Fable III and Force Unleashed 2. I haven't got a copy of Force Unleashed 2 through yet but am a big fan of Fable III - what about you? Does it live up the Molyneux hype? Madden 2011 also got a look in this weekend as a warm-up for the NFL game at Wembley. What about you then - how was your gaming weekend?

  • Weekend gaming - Fable III and Lego Universe

    After a couple of quiet weekends the gaming finally came alive for me again this weekend. Fable III was the biggest title and my review will be up later this week. Possibly tomorrow. Lego Universe got a look in too. The child-friendly MMO is as polished and slick as you may expect. Like all MMOs though it needs a bit more time to see if it really sinks its hooks in but so far so good

  • Weekend gaming

    I was away all last week which meant not only did I miss the Games Media Awards but game time was limited. I did though put some hours into Phantasy Star Portable 2 on my PSPGo. Not sure what to think so far. Is the nostalgia for the Dreamcast original enough to overcome the graphics - pretty but full of popup - and time needed to really get anywhere. Seeing that I have put 10 hours in already I'm guessing there is more here than nostalgia. Anyway, what about you - how was your weekend gaming?

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