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Anatomy of a campaign

  • Christian Aid toured a ‘truth truck’ around villages in Gorkha and Dhading

    How we revealed what local people thought of Nepal earthquake aid

    Christian Aid gave those affected by the Nepal earthquake a voice by interviewing them on camera. Why and how?
  • Hand holding packet of manpons

    The anatomy of a campaign: 'If men had periods' by WaterAid

    WaterAid’s campaign to raise awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene playfully imagines a world where men have periods
  • Action Aid tax justice campaign

    The anatomy of a campaign: tax justice, ActionAid

    ActionAid’s tax justice campaign recently won a Bond international development award. What did it achieve and how?
  • Giving child marriage the finger - Plan

    The anatomy of a campaign: giving child marriage the finger, Plan UK

    Plan UK’s campaign to end child marriage is deliberately provocative, which caused problems for running on London underground