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Aid effectiveness

News, comment and features on the fourth high level forum on aid effectiveness, which was held in Busan, South Korea, in 2011, and on wider debates and analyses of aid effectiveness

January 2019

  • Aid supplies for sale at street market

    Yemen: Houthi rebels' food aid theft only tip of iceberg, officials say

    Questions over relief effort multiply as it emerges aid officials knew for months of armed groups diverting food

November 2017

  • A Royal Navy ground crew unloads disaster supplies from a Wildcat helicopter in the British Virgin Islands following Hurricane Irma

    Historic change to aid rules allows use of funding when lives are at stake

    Rare change to international aid regulations means crisis-hit states will no longer be denied vital support because they are deemed too wealthy

December 2016

  • Displaced children stand outside a makeshift shelter at a camp for internally displaced people in the northern province of Amran, Yemen

    Five questions we should be asking about the impact of UK aid

    Mark Goldring
    British aid can and must be scrupulously monitored, not least to ensure that it is fulfilling its remit to eradicate poverty and reaching beyond domestic interests

February 2016

  • New buildings in the capital city, Kigali. Rwanda has experienced a sustained period of stability and rapid economic growth in recent years. 10/04/13

    What could possibly be wrong with promoting prosperity?

    Jonathan Glennie
  • Tanzanian president John Magufuli joins a clean-up event in Dar es Salaam on 9 December 2015.

    Effective aid projects are the result of teamwork, not templates

    Jonathan Glennie

April 2014

  • UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

    Global alliance warns of no end to poverty unless countries pull together

  • Aid effectiveness

    Global partnership gathers in Mexico amid faltering progress and scepticism

  • MDG : Members of World Vision rally to demand effective health aid in Busan, South Korea

    Poverty matters blog
    Will competing UN and OECD partnerships stymie aid effectiveness?

  • MDG : Conflits in Africa : UN South Korean soldiers provide water at a refugee camp in South Sudan

    Poverty matters blog
    New deal for fragile states needs time and political commitment to flourish

August 2013

  • MDG : Philanthropists partnership : Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

    Poverty matters blog
    Philanthropists and aid donors must join forces in these straitened times

  • Busan conference

    Poverty matters blog
    Apathy over aid effectiveness threatens global partnership

July 2013

  • M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Poverty matters blog
    Donors balk at allowing global south countries to lead on development

  • child with balloon

    Prioritise citizen feedback to improve aid effectiveness

November 2012

  • MDG : Guatemala : Aid Effectiveness : Women look for a spot to wash clothes at the Atitlan Lake

    2012 'a lost year' for aid effectiveness reform in Europe – AidWatch

    European NGOs warn implementation of the Busan partnership agreement has been limited and uneven

August 2012

  • MDG : Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Armida Alisjahbana and Andrew Mitchell on the post-Busan panel

    Nigerian and Indonesian officials join post-Busan aid effectiveness panel

    Ministerial duo of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Armida Alisjahbana will line up alongside UK development secretary Andrew Mitchell

June 2012

  • andrew mitchell

    Andrew Mitchell given role on post-Busan aid effectiveness panel

    Andrew Mitchell, the UK development secretary, will be one of three co-chairs on a panel to monitor Busan aid commitments

May 2012

  • OECD Forum in Paris

    New aid effectiveness indicators agreed at post-Busan meeting

    Follow-up to high-level forum identifies key areas including transparency and untied aid, but commitment of emerging Bric donors unclear

February 2012

  • The statue of Christ looms over Rio de Janeiro.

    Poverty matters blog
    Building on Busan: Latin America leads the way on development co-operation

    Jonathan Glennie: Latin American countries have grasped the nettle on forging a fresh development agenda; others must now follow suit

December 2011

  • MDG : Hillary Rodham Clinton at  High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan

    Poverty matters blog
    After a deluge of conferences, shouldn't we all get under the same umbrella?

  • Nigeria polio

    Poverty matters blog
    Healthcare can tell us much about the dos and don'ts of aid effectiveness

About 41 results for Aid effectiveness