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Financing for development

News, comment and analysis on the issues surrounding fundraising for development projects in poor countries
  • Some of the first pipes to arrive for the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project in Durres, Albania, Monday, April 18, 2016.  Albania is part of the 878-kilometer (545 miles) TAP project that will bring gas from the Shah Deniz II field in Azerbaijan, across Turkey, Greece, Albania and undersea into southern Italy.

    Europe development banks plan £5.5bn backing for gas project ‘with mafia links’

    A pipeline to bring gas to Europe from central Asia has attracted companies with historic connections to cartels and the mafia, says Bankwatch report
  • Aerial view, Kampala City, Uganda, Africa, 8th January 2016

    'Little evidence' public-private finance can plug development funding gap

    Report says more transparency needed to ensure aid funding used to leverage private finance for development is well invested
  • Watermelon seeds are readied for planting as part of an aid project in Rwanda

    Crowdfunding development aid would direct funds where they are needed most

    Blair Glencorse
    Websites such as GlobalGiving and Kickstarter have re-imagined the way we support issues we care about. Can we do the same for aid programmes?
  • Women in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s South Kivu province, participate in the World March of Women in October 2010

    Funding for women’s rights groups in poor countries falls by more than half

    As the Association for Women’s Rights in Development forum convenes in Brazil, unpublished research shows declining support for women’s groups since 2011
  • UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon (centre) opens the Unctad conference in Nairobi.

    On debt and taxation, rich and poor countries are worlds apart

    Tove Maria Ryding
    At last week’s UN trade conference in Kenya, hopes for progressive action on debt crises and global tax standards foundered
  • Girls in villages being surveyed by Educate Girls to determine how many aren’t attending school.
Educate girls

    A new financial bond is helping us get more girls into schools in India

    Safeena Husain
    A pioneering method of financing education, with returns based on results, aims to tackle the deep-seated inequality faced by millions of girls
  • A boy stands in between women as they queue up to receive food aid in Kabul.

    How can we prevent the suffering of millions? Fund local NGOs directly

    Amjad Saleem, Degan Ali, Manu Gupta, Deng Yuott and Scholastica Nasinyama
    Local and national NGOs are critical for effective aid, yet received 1.6% of total funding between 2010 and 2014
  • Ruins of the village of Doun Baba Dieye, northern Senegal, which is slowly disappearing into the sea.

    Global goals can deliver on 2C and new development finance – here's how

    Owen Barder, Alex Evans and Alice Lépissier
    Economic modelling suggests that a global emissions budget and trading scheme could tackle climate change and yield $416bn a year for poor countries
  • Riots during the Argentinian financial crisis in 2002.

    Debt campaigners hail UN vote as breakthrough

    United Nations general assembly agrees set of principles on debt restructuring, although US, UK and Germany vote against
  • Joseph Stiglitz

    America is on the wrong side of history

    Joseph Stiglitz
    Joseph Stiglitz: The US has become an obstacle to reshaping international laws for tax, debt and finance
  • Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2014 shows the new road constructed by China in the Brakna Region, southern Mauritania. The 172km road which connects regions of Aleg, Kiffa, Assaba and Brakna, all located in Western Sahara, is part of the China's assistance constructions in the northwest African country.

    Aid should be seen as foreign public investment, not just charity

    Jonathan Glennie and Andy Sumner
    As new players from the emerging economies enter the aid arena, the thinking that underpins much development cooperation needs to change
  • Getting the Perfect Shot 
Director of Photography, Jonathan Gaynes, stands atop his production vehicle to gain a better vantage point down a busy street in Bong, Liberia on January 31, 2015. Jonathan accompanied film director Adam Parr to Liberia to film the efforts of USAID and its programs to stop the Ebola outbreak. Jonathan and Adam are two of more than 10,000 humanitarian heroes working to support USAID in Liberia.

    Slavery in Thai fishing, funding for the SDGs, and dodging global rules on tax

    Rohingya migrants are trafficked to fishing boats, how to fund the sustainable development goals, and haggling over tax rules at Addis Ababa summit
  • Talking the talk … the Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the opening of the development finance summit in Addis Ababa.

    Addis delegates failed to put money where mouth was on gender equality

    Ana Ines Abelenda and Nerea Craviotto
    World leaders at the development finance summit may have paid lip service to women’s rights, but the Addis Ababa action agenda tells a different story
  • Ban Ki-moon shaking hands with Senegal's President Macky Sall

    Glee, relief and regret: Addis Ababa outcome receives mixed reception

    UN secretary general hails Addis Ababa development finance summit a success but failure to establish new global tax body draws criticism
  • UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon at the financing for development summit in Addis Ababa. Opinion is divided on the outcome of the talks.

    Addis Ababa outcome: milestone or millstone for the world's poor?

    As a deal was struck on funding the poverty battle at the development finance summit in Addis Ababa, the UN hailed a historic moment while others branded the outcome tragic. We look at what was agreed
  • U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, next to African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, addresses a news conference during the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa<br>U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (R), next to African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, addresses a news conference during the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, July 13, 2015. World leaders must put aside "narrow self-interest" to break a deadlock over how to finance the United Nation's bold new global development agenda, its Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday at the opening of a financing conference in Ethiopia. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri

    Where are the concrete plans for action in the development finance deal?

    Alex Evans
    The finance for development summit in Addis did at least highlight the message that no one gets left behind, but came up with no significant plan to achieve that
  • A Burkinabe peasant from the village of Selbo village, in northern Burkina Faso, stands near grass he planted to help stop the advance of the Sahara desert. Faced with the advancement of the Saharan desert, a result of world climate change, the peasants of Burkina Faso are fighting with little means but certain success to stop the advancement of the dunes by planting shrubs.

    African agriculture needs more of the green stuff, says farming alliance chief

    With Africa’s food needs set to triple by 2050, the head of the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa is calling for greater investment in farmers
  • The UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon addresses the opening of the third International conference on financing for development in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

    Rich countries accused of foiling effort to give poorer nations a voice on tax

    Aid agencies at Addis Ababa development finance summit claim UK and others have obstructed talks aimed at enabling poor countries to influence UN tax policy
  • UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, second left, has given world leaders a video pep talk before the summit in Addis Ababa fwhich will decide how to finance the sustainable development goals.

    Addis Ababa development finance summit: all you need to know

  • The rich countries will to show greater imagination if taxes are to play a bigger role in financing development.

    Financing the sustainable development goals will rely heavily on the tax factor

    Jonathan Glennie
About 40 results for Financing for development