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Global development blogosphere

We profile some of the best blogs and bloggers on development. Got a suggestion? Email

  • AidSpeak

  • TripleCrisis

  • AidData blog: The First Tranche

  • Think Africa Press

  • Tales From the Hood (Archive)

    An anonymous aid blogger reflects on 'life inside the aid industry from some of the worst neighbourhoods in the global village'. J now blogs regularly at Aid Speak

  • Texas in Africa

  • Karen Grépin's Global Health Blog

  • Owen Abroad

    Thoughts from Owen Barder - who lives and works in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Ground Reality

  • From poverty to power

  • Ideas for development

  • Africa can... end poverty

  • Blood and Milk

  • Panos Voices

  • Developing Story

  • International Institute for Environment and Development

    IIED showcases work looking at the environment, economy and social justice

  • Ubuntunomics

    Mariéme Jamme blogs on African development issues at Ubuntunomics

    • Global Voices

    • ODI Opinion

    • Build it Kenny, and They Will Come…

About 27 results for Global development blogosphere
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