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Good to meet you … Rachael Roberts

This article is more than 5 years old
This reader found the Weekly to be an ideal travelling companion

I’m a relatively recent convert to the Weekly, by the standards of some of the submissions to this column . In 2009 I moved from London to my current spot, at the foot of the South Downs in Sussex. I would still be commuting to the metropolis so began looking for something to read on the journey. I enjoy reading the daily Guardian, but the Weekly’s more compact size make it ideal for the days when it is squashed into my bag while I ride a crowded train or tube.

I particularly like the international slant on news stories, and pieces on global development prove useful for my work, which is in a similar area. I also enjoy the selection of more positive pieces, especially given the rather depressing political climate in my own country at present. The longer shelf life of the Weekly’s stories give me time to catch up with some considered opinion on a news agenda that seems to move ever-faster.

I’m a big fan of the recent redesign and love the extra factbox-type elements on the pages. A special mention for the covers, which often catch the eye of colleagues when they see copies on my desk. Keep up the good work.

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