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About Guardian Healthcare

October 2017

  • doctor using digital tablet

    Partnerships in practice
    The NHS needs a digitally savvy workforce to ensure its survival

    Harpreet Sood
    Frontline staff are frustrated they can’t make more use of digital tools and data but a new academy could help by training 300 technology leaders

July 2012

  • NHS hospital ward

    Fuelling change: how NHS initiatives are cutting carbon – and costs

    Alexandra Hammond
  • NHS doctor on his rounds

    NHS managers lack confidence to implement reforms

    Susan Hodgetts

June 2012

  • Andrew Lansley

    Is Andrew Lansley listening to the calls of health service leaders?

    Richard Vize
  • Royal Gwent hospital

    Welsh NHS chief credits non-market based policies for rapid improvements

November 2011

  • Contact us

    Editorial and advertising contacts

December 2010

  • Advertising opportunities

    Who to contact

  • the leopard

    Welcome to Guardian Healthcare Network

    Connect to the Guardian's new network for NHS innovators

  • Map of articles

    Blue pointers link to specific articles, red pointers to coverage of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

May 2010

  • Links from Smart Healthcare Live show guide

    For Smart Healthcare Live visitors - links to all the articles mentioned in the show guide, and how to subscribe to our regular email

  • Special promotions

  • SmartGov Live

  • Event partners

  • Press enquiries and registration

  • Smart Healthcare update

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June 2009

  • Smart Healthcare Live podcast

    Audio from

    Recordings to hear and to download

March 2009

  • About

  • Glossary

January 2009

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About 22 results for About Guardian Healthcare