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  • Dancers perform a lion dance

    Stranded whales and a vegetarian festival: photos of the day – Wednesday

  • An Indian policeman runs after an exiled Tibetan to detain him as others shout slogans in New Delhi, India

    Mexican mariachi and a police chase: photos of the day – Tuesday

    The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the world
  • People look at a wildfire

    A wildfire, defaced art and a former PM: photos of the day – Monday

    The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the world
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  • Indigenous Peruvian women sit outside next to three woven clothes hanging on a line

    ‘It’s the first time I’ve woven in 27 years’: Peruvian women revive arts lost to trauma of forced sterilisations

  • Shroomadelic sights … Mushrooms and Friends by Phyllis Ma.

    Shroom with a view: photo gems from Images Vevey – in pictures

    Boasting trippy trees and fluorescent fungi, the Swiss biennale returns with around 50 photography-based projects centred on the topic (dis)connected
  • Guo Jincheng of China dives in

    The best Paralympic images by Tom Jenkins – a photo essay

    Our photographer spent the past fortnight in Paris documenting everything from blind football to para-triathlon. Here are some of his favourite pics from the Games
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  • Crowds of people hold colourful umbrellas

    Tenth anniversary of Hong Kong’s umbrella movement – in pictures

  • A competitors takes part in the UK Hobby Horse championship

    UK Hobby Horse Championships – in pictures

    The event features young enthusiasts trotting, galloping and cantering on toy horses in various disciplines such as jumping and dressage. Its popularity has surged in recent years, especially during Covid, and is growing in appeal
  • Two men capture a pink dolphin in a net

    The race to find out what killed hundreds of pink dolphins in the Amazon – in pictures

    Scientists are trying to establish whether global heating caused the deaths of the rare river dolphins last year, before temperatures start to rise again
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