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Amateur Longlist 2011

July 2011

  • The challenges faced by disabled girls in the Solomon Islands

    Theme: The challenges faced by disabled girls sponsored by International Childcare Trust

  • Lessons from Oaxaca

  • Why non-communicable diseases hit the developing world so hard

  • From bean to brew: a new challenge for cooperatives

  • New writers, new readers, newspapers

  • Achieving equality: the challenges of India's disabled girls

  • A neat solution to the persistent problem that is malaria

  • After the war, now what? Former child soldiers in Sierra Leone

  • Creating a Wave of Change

  • The most vulnerable community in Africa?

  • Indian girls persuade parents they are too young for marriage

  • Romania's child brides

  • Why is early marriage a problem in Turkey?

  • Liberia's Future

  • Silence Speaks

  • Microinsurance and its role in healthcare

  • Education: A Right or a Privilege?

  • Disaster Recovery in Viñales

  • Is education the best contraceptive?

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