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Alternative Business Structures

January 2023

  • Roger Sawtell

    Other lives
    Roger Sawtell obituary

    Other lives: Advocate of common ownership who helped to set up an employee-run wholefood shop and a housing cooperative

January 2013

  • Someone using a laptop

    Tomorrow's Lawyers: access to justice in the online future - extract

    Richard Susskind: Technology is set to transform legal services - why not set up an NHS Direct service for law?

November 2012

  • Quality Solicitors ad

    One year on, are students still unconvinced by ABSs?

    Hannah Gannagé-Stewart

    Hannah Gannagé-Stewart: Don't be behind the curve - changes to the legal industry are not going away

October 2012

  • Martin Shaw at the Malvern Theatre

    Guardian law blog
    Polyester gowns with supermarket logos? Martin Shaw on the bar's future

  • An angry bear

    Don't be afraid to complain about your lawyer says Legal Ombudsman

    Adam Sampson
  • Co-operative

    Future of law: big brands and alternative business structures

    Neil Rose
  • Co-op Food Store and branch of the Co-Operative Bank

    Can sole practitioners survive in the new legal marketplace?

    Nicola Laver

September 2012

  • Co-op Food Store and branch of the Co-Operative Bank

    Where does publicly-funded law fit into the new world of Tesco law?

    Jon Robins
  • married-cohabiting-children

    Cohabiting couples now as likely to have children as those who are married

July 2012

  • Car parked in front garden of terraced house, London

    Lawyers must do better

    Adam Sampson
  • Mortar boards fly through the air as Law graduates celebrate

    Legal apprenticeships: in for a scrap

    Alex Aldridge

May 2012

  • Hackney Law Centre staff

    Legal aid is (almost) dead

    Patrick Torsney
    Patrick Torsney: What can lawyers do to help people access justice now?

April 2012

  • Person trips on pavement

    Law: the expert view
    Still suffering from an accident for which you weren't to blame?

    Neil Rose
  • Justice minister Jonathan Djanogly visiting the Co-operative Legal Services in Bristol

    Law: the expert view
    Wait for ABSs is over: Tesco law is here

    Neil Rose

March 2012

  • Barrister wigs

    Law: the expert view
    Forget Tesco law, this legal education review will transform the legal market

    Neil Rose
  • Greg Hicks in the RSC's Julius Caesar at the Courtyard, Stratford-upon-Avon

    Lawyers beware: your clients are rebelling

    Adam Sampson

February 2012

  • Lawstore

    Law: the expert view
    Poster child for Tesco law in Australia heads to UK

    Neil Rose
    Neil Rose: Race for the consumer legal market begins with news that Australia's Slater & Gordon is to buy Russell Jones & Walker

January 2012

  • A woman walks past an estate agents in London

    Law: the expert view
    Pity the poor conveyancer

    Neil Rose
    Neil Rose: Dwindling fees, higher insurance premiums, a flat property market - but at least the public like their high street conveyancer
  • AA Patrolman

    Law: the expert view
    ABS big bang? Yes, but legal market is already changing

    Neil Rose

    Neil Rose: Liberalisation of legal services begins this week but attempts to change the way law is delivered are increasing

  • Cost of justice: one court for the rich

    Editorial: Making London a desirable place for litigation is not in itself an unworthy aim, especially in austere times

About 46 results for Alternative Business Structures