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Ask Dan

Dan Pearson answers your gardening questions
  • Ask Dan

    Wildlife-friendly apple trees | Frozen lavender bush

  • Ask Dan

    Ailing spruce tree | Hunt for small trees to put in city garden

  • Ask Dan

    Pruning a flamingo | The curse of the black bamboo

  • Ask Dan

    Frustrated by non-flowering Magnolia grandiflora | Best time to plant an olive tree

  • Ask Dan

    The ideal time to plant bulbs | How to tackle the pH issue

  • Ask Dan

    Conifers turning brown | Pruning figs

  • Ask Dan

    Planting non frost-resistant bulbs | How to prune black mulberry

  • Ask Dan

    Pruning a flowering cherry | How to prune a Philadelphus |

  • Ask Dan

    Planting vines outdoors | The trouble with Ivy

  • Ask Dan

    What's eating my cob? | Evergreen borders

  • Ask Dan

    Suffering from tomato blight | How to get rid of ivy

  • Ask Dan

    Splitting a Dierama pulcherrimum | Budding roses | Re-using compost

  • Ask Dan

    Poppies | Controlling weeds

  • Ask Dan

    Climbers | Growing tomatoes

  • Ask Dan

    Botanical names | Mildew problem | Hydrangeas

  • Ask Dan

    Taking cuttings of roses | Less wild buddleia | Limey soil

  • Ask Dan

  • The life aquatic

  • Ask Dan

  • Under the weather

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