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American psyche

George Saunders’ offbeat insights into the US citizen’s mind
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: America's identity crisis is being fought by every one of us

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Don't panic! I'm a bit of a financial expert

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: This whole detective story thing looks pretty easy

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: During the 2004 election, much was made of the fact that 'the average guy' would rather have a beer with Bush than with John Kerry

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: As summer ends, I find myself feeling sentimental about American summers past

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Having a word named after you is perhaps the best litmus test of true fame

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: One of the tricks of a weekly columnist is 'the Idea Notebook' - a small book, carried at all times, into which you record column ideas

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Like most Americans, I envy the British system of royalty

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Here in America we are experiencing a wave of superhero movies

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: My friend has filled me in on various slang usages, so that I won't sound like a typical clueless American tourist

  • American psyche

    George Saunders

    George Saunders: What an incredibly touchy age ours is! Last week I got complaints from Rome

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Everyone thinks that Einstein was so smart. Let's examine this. What was his big contribution?

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: So much of what we think we know about history is actually false. Consider the following: Charlie Chaplin was not a chaplain. That was just his last name!
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Today we conclude our discussion of humour. Some critics have claimed that we laugh when we see pomposity undone

  • American Psyche

    George Saunders, American Psyche: This week, let's discuss pathos, which my online dictionary defines as 'arousing feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow'

  • American Psyche

    George Saunders: Last week we developed a Theory Of Funny regarding animals. Let's continue this important work by asking: which, if any, foods are funny?

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Let's attempt to derive a theory of humour. Enabled by our theory, everyone could be funny, not just people who are actually funny

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: I have found the answer to the timeless question: how may I live so as to do no harm?
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: This week, I conclude my investigative series on the evils of advertising

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: I've been working on an ad for this column. (I'm going to advertise on TV, since no one reads any more.)

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