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Anger: a user's guide

A special series about understanding the impact of anger in society and personal relationships. Including anger management techniques, parenting tips and how successful people channel their fury into a force for good

  • AngerInterviewOnline

    Anger is an energy: how to turn fury into a force for good

    Ten high-profile people, including Gina Miller, Alexandria Villaseñor, John Bird and Mo Gawdat, reveal how they have harnessed their inner rage
  • Young woman clutches head in anger

    How to defuse your teenager’s anger

    Constantly clashing with your son or daughter? Here are a few ideas to help calm things down
  • Inuit parenting focuses on being gentle and tender.

    The Inuit don't shout at their children – so why do we?

    The western idea that rage is an emotion that needs to be set free is not universally shared
  • Studio shot of microscope

    Science of anger: how gender, age and personality shape this emotion

    What purpose does anger serve? Are men angrier than women? Can it affect our mental wellbeing? Science is beginning to uncover some of the answers
  • RageRoomOnline

    Angry? Want to let off steam? Try a rage club

    In an increasingly angsty world, it’s no surprise that venues for venting our ire are popping up. Jane Dunford acts out her anger in a safe space
  • Working with anger can be a journey of exploration.

    How to make a friend of your anger

    There is no quick fix to anger issues, but working through them can be a journey that sheds light on who we are and how we perceive the world
    • How furious are you? Take the anger test

    • The age of rage: are we really living in angrier times?

    • How women and minorities are claiming their right to rage
