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Ask Alanis Morissette

  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I worry about my grandchildren’s diet

    It’s with a feeling of despair that I see my daughters take the easy way out with their own children’s diet: fish fingers and lots of processed foods
  • Ask Alanis:28 May

    Ask Alanis Morissette: my girlfriend wants kids, but says I need to grow up first

    If you do decide to pull up your bootstraps, I can almost guarantee that it won’t always feel good. But you can look forward to a deep sense of connection
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: why is my girlfriend so close to her ex?

    She has a loyalty, a history and a deep bond with her children and her ex, and it’s important for her to maintain this
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I still get physical with my ex. Can we just be friends?

    Make sure you have time apart to allow your bodies to withdraw from each other
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: since I’ve been ill, I’ve lost contact with many friends

    All the parts of you – lonely, confident, ill, outgoing – come together to make you who you are. A true friend will recognise that
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: my husband is too scared to leave his job – should I push him?

    He may have a goal in mind he has not yet shared with you, or a very valid fear that keeps him frozen in place
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis: why does my nephew talk about an imaginary sister?

    Many times, kids come up with this third-person narrative as a way to address things that are tougher to face up to
  • photograph of model on sofa drinking

    Ask Alanis Morissette: how can I stop drinking so much?

    Perhaps you drink to release stress at the end of the day, or as a kind of congratulations, or a way to rebel in the face of too much responsibility
  • Franck Allais scene

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I have no friends – what’s wrong with me?

    Compatibility, especially in adulthood, is a subtle, fragile and sometimes complicated thing
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I wish my girlfriend didn’t smoke pot

    Is it that you somehow feel lonely when she is high? Does her smoking disconnect you in some way?
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I am dating a younger man, but my friends disapprove. Help!

    Your friends care about you and your long-term fulfilment, but there is also something to be said about perfect timing for you
  • woman by big email image

    Ask Alanis Morissette: my accidental email has created a family rift

    The only way is to apologise and express your regret, and to tell the truth about how you see her daughter’s behaviour
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis: my best friends now share my secrets with their spouses

    Perhaps try finding someone else to confide in, until you feel safer with your friend’s partner
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: should I protect my son from my husband?

    There are times when your son’s wellbeing is more important than a united front
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: my friend has become my boss. Will it work?

    You need to decide which is more important – your friendship or your job
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis: My mother-in-law is putting my children’s health at risk. What should I do?

    If your partner’s parents have respect for your values, they are welcome to spend time with you. If they don’t, I’m not sure they have a place in your lives
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: I am a pregnant stay-at-home mum. I feel trapped and exhausted

    Doing it all on your own only leads to burnout. Ask for help
  • characters on a road

    Ask Alanis: should I follow my boyfriend to the big city?

    If you are only acquiescing to his desire to move, this is a recipe for resentment
  • Photograph of model of woman on her own opposite gang of women

    Ask Alanis: I’m obsessed with my teacher. What can I do?

    Often our relationships with our teachers, friends and people we date mimic those we had when we were young
  • Photograph by Franck Allais

    Ask Alanis Morissette: my friends are freeloaders. How do I make them pay?

    I want to be clear that you setting a boundary is not being confrontational
About 21 results for Ask Alanis Morissette