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Ask Anita

Each week, journalist Anita Chaudhuri speaks to experts and therapists about a love or friendship problem sent in by a reader

  • AskAnita mumshouse 230608

    My dad died in my childhood home – and now I can’t face visiting my mum there

    Since trying to save his life I have dreaded returning to the family home. And even if she were to move, the sight of my mother is enough to remind me of the trauma
  • A composite image showing a woman with a laptop looking pensive and a man holding an LP

    My partner is kind, affectionate and emotionally open. I want to break up with him

    I work full-time and have my own place. He lives at home and has no regular income. After five years, I don’t want to hurt him, but our goals seem incompatible
  • Images of child, woman and man

    My husband and I are separating – but he doesn’t want anyone to know

    He can’t afford to move out and refuses to tell his friends or family what’s going on. I’m worried about his mental health – and the effect on our seven-year-old
  • Collage illustrating a woman who is struggling to make friends

    I’ve struggled to make friends since moving abroad – and it’s making me lonely

    I do my best to attend social events and I’ve taken up regular activities, but I can’t make new relationships stick. How can I improve my chances?
  • ‘In families, love tends to be shown in specific ways. The same goes for how help is offered and received’ (posed by models)

    My parents have been a lifeline since I became disabled. But now they are pulling away

    I used to see them twice a week, but it is creeping towards once a fortnight and I don’t seem able to tie down arrangements with them. What should I do?
  • Ask Anita - I want a baby but my boyfriend of 7 years changed his mind

    My boyfriend of seven years always wanted kids. Now we’re 35, I’m ready – and he’s changed his mind

    He shocked me by saying he doesn’t want to bring anyone into a world that is getting worse. I love him, but my chance to be a mother is slipping away