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Confessions of a collector

Hunter Davies on a lifetime of collecting
  • Stamps

    A hobby with the stamp of presidential approval

    Hunter Davies explains how, like President Sarkozy, he rediscovered the pleasures of philately

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: In the UK, there are said to be two million active stamp collectors

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: As London parks go, Hampstead Heath is a commoner compared to the ancient Royal Parks

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: Some are born collecting but others can have collecting thrust upon them

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: I first heard about Sheila Fell in the early 60s

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: Old newspapers are the most common, popular and interesting of ephemera

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: Did I imagine it? How could I have bought something almost 2,000 years old?

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on collecting tax discs

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies takes a brief looks at product endorsement, inspired by his footer collection
  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on what drives him to collect

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies reflects on the truth of the suggestion that it is, ultimately, oneself one collects

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: Someone who is described as a Great Collector has not usually collected sick bags or bubble-gum cards

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on collecting letters
  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on collecting saucy postcards

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on collecting Wainwright memorabilia

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies collects the history of collecting

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: Railwayana really is romantic and also terribly serious, with lots of subsections, most with their own clubs, organisations and magazines
  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: I never fancied being a dealer, though most dealers start off as collectors

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies on buying his first real painting

  • Confessions of a collector

    Hunter Davies: My poet laureate collection includes letters or bits signed by Southey, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Alfred Austin, Robert Bridges, Cecil Day-Lewis and Ted Hughes

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