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Dr John Briffa on healthy eating

Leading nutritionist Dr John Briffa reveals the recipe for good health
  • Appetite for change

    In four years of fatty fads and scare stories, Dr John Briffa has taken every opportunity to take a bite out of dietary orthodoxy. But here, in his final column, he reveals the one basic rule of healthy eating.

  • In a nutshell

    Eating a handful of walnuts a day can bring down your cholesterol level and protect against heart disease. Time to get cracking, says Dr John Briffa.
  • Fight the flab

  • Sweet charity

  • Hip service

    If your waist is larger than your hips you could be at risk of a heart attack. Dr John Briffa reveals why you need to act if you can't button your trousers.

  • Bed and bored

    If you suffer sleepless nights, it could be a wake-up call to rethink suppertime routines. Small changes could bring sweet dreams, says Dr John Briffa.

  • Petal pusher

  • Oh do keep up

  • Cast a spell

    We all know fish is famed for improving our brain power. But that's small fry compared to its power to preserve our wits, reveals Dr John Briffa.

  • Square meals

    School dinners will soon be pukka, thanks to Jamie Oliver, but lunchboxes are still full of crisps. It's time to pack a nutritious punch, says Dr John Briffa.

  • Grains of truth

    Some processed foods contain more salt than sea water. Dr John Briffa reveals why some manufacturers are making his blood pressure rise.

  • Eternal sunshine

    People are increasingly alert to the signs of an ageing mind, but can we eat our way to mental longevity? Dr John Briffa recommends a sharp intake.

  • Fluid assets

    Dr John Briffa's healthy eating and drinking plan to keep your kidneys clean.

  • Scoff report

    His diet may have crashed, but Dr Atkins was right that increasing your protein intake fills you up. Dr John Briffa re-examines the prophet of loss.

  • Sour power

    Dousing your chips with vinegar could help burn the fat off the deep-fried spud. Dr John Briffa reports on the weighty savings in a classic condiment.

  • Cold play

    For many, Vitamin C is the main weapon in our war on the flu. But research shows the supplement could be missing its target. Dr John Briffa doses up.

  • Empty promise

  • Nutrition news

  • Fuel for thought

    Barbecues can be bad for you. But don't rake yourself over the coals about it, says Dr John Briffa. There are ways to minimise the potential hazards.

  • Nasal gazing

    Smell is an intrinsic part of our sense of taste. Yet some foods seem to stop our noses from doing their job. Dr John Briffa keeps the airways clear.

About 180 results for Dr John Briffa on healthy eating