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Gardening club

  • It never rains...

    St Swithun Sunday brings scant respite

  • Farne Islands, Northumberland

    Are these England's oddest allotments?

    Several miles out to sea, much dive-bombed by seabirds, and previous gardeners include St Cuthbert and Grace Darling

  • Club class

    Runner beans, broad beans and the new year's gardening club

  • The graduates

    So goodbye to this year's Gospel Oak Gardening Club

  • Rush for garden allotments pushing old horticulturalists out

    Boom in homegrown fruit and veg is consigning a gentler way of gardening to the compost heap, evicted gardener says
  • Class act

    A lot to learn from the kids and teachers at the Gospel Oak Primary School Gardening Club

  • Child's play

    Lots to learn with the Gospel Oak School Gardening Club

  • The club class

    Our third gardening club, our second anniversary and perhaps the last sunny 6am start of the year. An auspicious equinox weekend on the allotment.

  • According to Gospel Oak

    Allan Jenkins admire the budding growers of the Gospel Oak gardening club

  • Cabbage patch kids

    The new plot welcomes the new Gospel Oak Gardening Club

  • Goodbye to all that

    Find out what happened when Deputy Head Lisa Sweeney brought the kids up to the allotment for the last time this year.

  • The class of 2007

    Allan Jenkins bids a fond farewell to the green-fingered kids of the Gospel Oak Gardening Club

  • Gardeners' Question Time

    World premiere of Gospel Oak Gardening Club's first feature film.

  • Abel & Cole watch out!

    What's been happening at the Gospel Oak gardening club greenhouse? The Mud Dodgers learn about peas and pumpkin cakes

  • Video: Gospel Oak Primary School visit the Observer Allotment

    Gospel Oak Primary School children at the allotment

    What do you get when you make a video of 10 children and a packet of marigold seeds on a crisp day in March? If you're hoping for reassuring proof that North London's under 10s aren't a bunch of hoodie-wearing hooligans, but instead are as innocent as nature intended and thoroughly excited about the wonders of growing plants from scratch, then you're in luck.

  • From little seeds

    Susan Smillie joins schoolchildren planting seeds at the allotment and finds horror in the plot.
