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May 2022

  • Amanda Meade

    The weekly beast
    Laura Tingle laments ‘stupid and depressing’ election campaign as Morrison dodges ABC debate

    Amanda Meade
    7.30 political correspondent labels grilling of Anthony Albanese over costings ‘embarrassing’ for journalists. Plus: Kennedy awards take a bizarre turn

August 2017

  • Magazines on display

    News magazines enjoy circulation boost while celebrity titles suffer

    Private Eye, the Economist and others increase readership as Marie Claire, Heat and Grazia experience losses

May 2017

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    Are men ‘nicking’ the Today limelight, or is something else afoot?

    Peter Preston
    Speculation is rife about Radio 4 presenter Nick Robinson’s ‘uncollegiate’ behaviour. But tongues will always wag – as the chancellor ought to be aware

February 2017

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    What sells magazines? Ask Peppa Pig

    Peter Preston
    Yes, the latest circulation figures show a 6% overall decline. But many unexpected publications are still booming in print

January 2017

  • Roy Greenslade

    Popular newspapers suffer greater circulation falls than qualities

    Roy Greenslade
    Double-digit declines in the sales of Sunday titles confirm the success of Saturday editions, but the real winners are, of course, digital platforms

December 2016

  • Screenshot 2016-12-01 11.38.41

    Metro climbs to second place in the circulation league

    Free newspaper overtakes the Daily Mail and closes on the Sun on weekdays after giving away thousands of copies on London buses

November 2016

  • Roy Greenslade

    What the latest sales figures tell us about the state of newsprint

    Roy Greenslade
    Circulations are falling away, of course, but there are two interesting battles to observe between the Mail and the Sun titles

October 2016

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    Behind news circulation headlines, looming bulks are skewing the figures

    Peter Preston
  • traffic fell by 11% in September

    Newspaper websites suffer post-Olympic dip as print sales hold steady

August 2016

  • Roy Greenslade

    Why 11 Trinity Mirror dailies do not appear in the latest ABC audit

    Roy Greenslade
  • Screenshot 2016-08-25 13.50.36

    Several double-digit drops in regional daily circulations

  • IMG 2529

    Ireland's daily newspaper sales fall by a further 5%

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    The remarkable resilience of printed words on paper pages

    Peter Preston
  • National newspaper sites' traffic slides after Brexit bounce

  • 'Brexit effect' drives Spectator's sales to record high

  • Top Gear magazine's sales hit skids during Chris Evans era

July 2016

  • The Independent: traffic rose almost 44% month on month in June

    Newspaper websites break traffic records with Brexit coverage

  • National newspapers sales rose folowing the Brexit vote

    Brexit vote boosts national newspaper sales

June 2016

  • The Independent’s digital audience fell in May

    Independent's digital audience drops to below level it was before paper closed

  • The Sun on Sunday’s circulation rose in May

    Sun on Sunday circulation up thanks to increase in discounted bulk sales

About 1,450 results for ABCs