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Andrew Breitbart

November 2016

  • Kellogg was contacted by customers who saw ads for Frosted Flakes and Frosted Mini-Wheats on Breitbart.

    Kellogg pulls ads from Breitbart News: site isn't 'aligned with our values'

  • Stephen Bannon, like Trump, is more of a shape-shifting, even cynical populist.

    Clickbait scoops and an engaged 'alt-right': everything to know about Breitbart News

March 2016

  • Donald Trump Corey Lewandowski assault Michelle Fields Breitbart

    Breitbart staffers resign over treatment after Trump manager's alleged assault

  • Corey Lewandowski, pictured, allegedly grabbed Michelle Fields by the arm at a press conference, causing bruises.

    Breitbart reporter and editor-at-large quit over alleged assault at Trump event

April 2014

  • Leader of UKIP Nigel Farage takes the applause after addressing delegates during his keynote speech in London, England. Members of the United Kingdom Independent Party have gathered at Central Hall, Westminster for the annual conference. Nigel Farage has predicted that the party will come first in next year's European elections, saying it is 'growing up' after success in local elections.

    Earth insight
    What climate denial, oil addiction and xenophobia have in common: Neocons

    Nafeez Ahmed: Breitbart comes to London, and the results are a sorry stain on British journalism

March 2013

  • Conservative political activist James O'Keefe

    James O'Keefe pays out to just one victim of his Acorn video deception

    Bertha Lewis

    Bertha Lewis: The rightwing activist has paid damages to my Acorn colleague, but millions of underprivileged Americans go uncompensated

February 2013

  • Ana Marie Cox

    Ana Marie Cox column
    Jackass journalism and the Breitbart bratpack

    Ana Marie Cox

    Ana Marie Cox: A year's passed since Andrew Breitbart died, but his combative conservativism lives on with the minions of his 'media of mean'

  • Megan Carpentier

    Andrew Breitbart, liberal media nemesis

    Megan Carpentier

    Megan Carpentier: He knew exactly how to exploit progressives' outrage. And we kept playing to stereotype, giving him the attention he craved

  • Andrew Breitbart, the right-wing blogger, has yet to apologise to Shirley Sherrod.

    The most important conservative of our time never to hold office

    Chuck DeVore

    Chuck DeVore: Andrew Breitbart was an indispensable guide to all who seek to challenge America's dominant liberal cultural elite

  • Andrew Breitbart

    Andrew Breitbart: marrying new media with political principle

    Joshua Treviño

    Joshua Treviño: By creating a web-savvy network of conservative activists, Breitbart fought the cultural left on its own ground and beat it

    • Andrew Breitbart dies at 43 – and Twitter expresses shock and sadness

    • Talking Points Memo for the Guardian
      Andrew Breitbart: a man who lived for the fight

      Josh Marshall for Talking Points Memo
    • Andrew Breitbart, conservative activist and blogger, dies aged 43
