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Steve Forbes

January 2014

  • Fast food workers strike in New York

    Millionaire Steve Forbes has a cynical campaign to keep working people down

    Richard L Trumka

    Richard L Trumka: A minimum wage hike would improve the lives of 30 million working Americans. Forbes wants to falsely spin it as a job killer

May 2011

  • A waiter carries a tray at the Ritz

    Politics blog
    Drinks at the Ritz – a tale of two cities

    Michael White: A trip to Birmingham for a talk on inequality followed by white wine and nibbles in Piccadilly with billionaire publisher Steve Forbes offered an interesting study in contrasts

December 2010

  • Greenslade
    Forbes magazine for Europe?

    Steve Forbes planning to launch Europe edition of his magazine on the back of economic recovery

June 2009

  • Ricky Hatton

    Ricky Hatton should think twice about a return to the ring

    Kevin Mitchell: Ricky Hatton should listen to the people who care about him and have a long think about considering a return as a welterweight

December 2006

  • The magazine for millionaires: it's just a little family business

    Steve Forbes, publisher of the journal that speaks to the super-rich, is preparing to hand over to the next generation, he tells James Robinson.

February 2002

  • Technology blog
    All the world's crackers, virus

    All the world's crackers, virus writers and quite a few hackers are now working for Microsoft, without getting paid. This is the result of Microsoft's change in strategy, outlined by chief executive Steve Ballmer. Previously, the company has sold new features as a way to get people to upgrade, but now security has become the top priority. Further attacks on Microsoft software have therefore become an advantage, because the quicker the holes are found, the quicker it can fix them. Flaws in Windows XP and .Net will obviously be fixed first, and the patches applied first, because of the way it can automatically update itself over the Web. This will eventually drive users to upgrade, and may even force companies to accept Software Assurance and the new volume licensing terms they hate so much, Individuals and companies who think they can just use the same operating system for five years can -- if Microsoft wants -- be left high and dry, at the mercy of the bozos who mount the attacks.Capitalists like Steve Forbes have often taken the view that business is about "turning problems into opportunities". It seems we are about to see that idea in action

March 2001

  • Standard bearer for the flat tax society

    Interview Steve Forbes, president and chief executive, Forbes Inc.

February 2000

  • Forbes pulls out of race for White House

    To the undisguised relief of his family and his political rival, George W Bush, Steve Forbes abandoned his 2000 presidential bid last night, after squandering an estimated $88m (£55m) of his personal fortune on an increasingly fatuous quest for the White House.

September 1999

  • Bioethics row hits Princeton

    The millionaire Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes, whose family is a large benefactor of Princeton university, yesterday cut off funding to the celebrated Ivy League university over its appointment of the controversial philosopher Peter Singer as its first professor of bioethics.

March 1999

  • Forbes' presidential candidacy laid online

  • Ten steps to the White House
