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July 2023

  • Older couple looking at a laptop together while discussing finances

    With interest rates soaring, can an annuity secure a happy retirement?

    Once written off as poor value, sales are on the up with better returns. But many retirees remain sceptical. So are they a good option?

March 2023

  • The City of London skyline

    Consumer champions
    I have got into debt and can’t pay bills due to Royal London delays

    The insurer told me it would take up to six weeks to get an annuity, but it’s been 13 and counting

January 2023

  • a letter to a taxpayer inviting them to apply for the state pension

    UK state pension age may rise to 68 in 2030s, reports say – what is going on?

    It is claimed the Treasury wants the change for as early as 2035 – affecting those age 54 and under

October 2022

  • Calculating the value of a Standard Life pension.

    Annuities: rates on guaranteed pension income soar 44% in a year

    Previously unfashionable product falls back into favour as people seek security amid financial turmoil

March 2019

  • Picture of pound coins and banknotes.

    The real problem in pricing of annuities

  • Patrick Collinson

    Money talks
    Annuities: a £4bn pension heist, or a great opportunity to buy?

    Patrick Collinson

August 2018

  • View from behind of an adult son walking with his senior father in the park.

    Pension firms profit from slowdown in life expectancy growth

    Annuity providers could make more than £1bn from longevity not rising as expected

December 2016

  • The FCA has unveiled a wide-ranging review of the way the financial services compensation scheme works.

    FCA considers £1m compensation limit to increase protection for pensioners

    Financial Conduct Authority to review safeguards against risk of financial firms going bust as pensioners favour drawdown products to annuities

September 2016

  • Coins secured in glass jar

    Annuity rates plummet, making 2016 'worst year for payouts'

    Average income for retiring pensioners has fallen by 15% so far, MoneyFacts data reveals

August 2016

  • Lamborghini

    Retirees prove more prudent than expected after pension freedoms

  • Patrick Collinson

    On reflection
    A big thank you to George Osborne – from the pensioners of Britain

    Patrick Collinson

July 2016

  • Couple sitting on a beach

    How to negotiate the pensions minefield in Brexit Britain

    The vote to leave the EU has seen annuity rates fall sharply. But would-be retirees still have other options

June 2016

  • An older man and a woman on the bow of a boat

    Annuities take a hit as rates fall following Brexit

    Retirees thinking of using their pension to buy an annuity to fund their retirement are advised to buy sooner rather than later

April 2016

  • Pensioners

    Pensions: FCA proposes protections for people planning to sell annuity

  • A row of houses on a street

    Older homeowners unlocked £393m from properties in early 2016

January 2016

  • Couple in sunloungers at the beach

    Most British savers fully cashed out pension pots on retirement after rule changes

    Financial Conduct Authority study finds 68% of pensions accessed between July and September were cashed out, raising concerns over investment decisions

December 2015

  • Pension Annuity yearly statement

    Diminishing returns of selling your annuity for cash

    In April 2017 the rules change and five million annuity holders can swap an income for life for a lump sum

September 2015

  • pensioner with cash and wallet

    Complaints to FCA about pensions rocket

  • Cash

    Hundreds of thousands withdraw cash from pension pots after rules relaxation

August 2015

  • Nils Pratley

    Nils Pratley on finance
    Chinese yuan: everything depends on what happens next

    Nils Pratley
    People’s Bank of China described move as a ‘one-off’ but if Beijing seeks to boost imports through devaluation, it will be a painful process
About 263 results for Annuities