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Ask the expert: work

  • Baby in a cot

    Will maternity leave stop us remortgaging?

    Our mortgage is up for renewal a month before my wife has to decide whether to resign or return to work

  • How can I negotiate a pay rise?

    I have been with my company for three years but am not remunerated as well as colleagues at a similar level. What can I do about this?

  • Sandwiches

    How can I break free of my desk on time?

    I'm working too hard and get annoyed at people who leave on time. I don't want to be like this – what can I do?

  • Can my employer force me to take a holiday?

    My employer wants us to take two weeks holiday, using our annual entitlement, because of a lack of work. My contract states they can ask me to take up to five days, defined by them. What can I do?

  • Graduates in silhouette

    Will my PhD be a help or hindrance?

    I am in the final year of a PhD. Before this I worked in the charity and NGO sector. Now I'm looking for a job I fear my PhD will be a hindrance. I also do not have any experience managing staff. What can I do?

  • £10 pound notes in cash

    Help, my boss wants to cut my pay!

    I've been declined a pay rise because I've reached the 'top of the scale'. Now my employer won't even give me a cost-of-living increase. Help!

  • How can I deal with an overly-ambitious colleague?

    My team and I work closely with another team run by a dominant leader who uses every opportunity to make herself look good and others look bad. I am not sure how to deal with this as it is getting us all down. Any ideas?

  • Man asleep at office desk

    Help, my boss sleeps at his desk

    My boss does a lot of things I disagree with - should I challenge him in front of the directors?

  • Am I too old for a career change?

    I am 42 and work as a specialist librarian, but have little opportunity for promotion. I would like to be an administrator, but am having difficulty showing that my skills are applicable. Am I too old to change career?

  • I'm not a desk jockey - what job can I do?!

    I graduated with an MA and have worked in sales, data entry and now on an internship. I don't think I'm suited to a desk job, but am unsure of what to do next as my qualifications lie in commerce. Help!

  • Help, I think I was "mis-sold" a job!

    I was recently trained-up for a new job, but now I've started I'm just repeating the same things over and over. What are my options given that the job description, interviews and training were misleading?

  • How should I go about changing career?

    I have been working in sales for five years, but find it depressing and want to change careers. How do I go about it?

  • How can I organise a work placement?

    I'm at university and need to organise a work placement in the hospitality industry. Any ideas?

  • My boss is incompetent, what can I do?!

    I work in an organisation where people have been promoted on longevity rather than merit. I have to do my boss's work as they are incapable of doing it properly. How should I deal with persistent underperformance by senior staff?

  • After a career gap, how can I get back to work?

    I took time out from my career to look after my child. Now I want to go back to work, but I am being snubbed by all employers, despite retraining. What can I do?

  • Help - I haven't had a pay rise in two years!

    Is every employed individual entitled to a "cost of living" pay rise every year? I have not had a pay increase since September 2005

  • Should I join a local-government pension scheme or opt for a fund?

    My new employment package includes the opportunity to join the local government pension scheme - should I take it?

  • I go to work and have nothing to do

    Four months into my job, I feel I should hand in my notice as I have very little to do while at work. Is this going to spoil my CV?

  • University students wearing mortarboards graduate

    How do I land my first job?

    I have a degree and MA in environmental chemistry but no work experience - how do I persuade a prospective employer to give me a chance?
