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Alan Clark

The latest news and comment on politician and diarist Alan Clark

December 2022

  • Matt Hancock.

    Get Matt Hancock out of here: these are the political diaries worth reading

    For windows on the corridors of power that were actually written contemporaneously, read this selection of books by MPs from left and right

September 2020

  • David Cameron and George Osborne.

    The Observer view on Sasha Swire’s insider diary of the past Tory decade

    The comedy of manners reveals far more about the Cameron years than the author might want

August 2017

  • Challenger tank

    Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 used by UK to boost weapon sales

    Thatcher government saw war on Saddam as an ‘unparalleled opportunity’ to sell arms, declassified secret memos reveal

July 2017

  • Book cover: The Donkeys by Alan Clark.

    From the Guardian archive
    Death of a generation: Alan Clark's The Donkeys review - archive, 1961

    28 July 1961: This seething book describes the destruction of the pre-war professional British Army in 1915 and the folly, stupidity and incompetency of the commanders

May 2015

  • The fingers point at the current Conservative leader and the man who might take his place.

    Tory right lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce if David Cameron fails to prevail

    If Cameron only just clings on to keys of No 10, then Conservative rightwingers may try to make Boris Johnson leader ahead of an October general election

March 2015

  • alan clark

    Observer business agenda
    Sober Vince Cable won’t match sozzled Alan Clark

    The actualité is that in this year’s ‘business election debate’, the business secretary will not be as entertaining as one of his ministerial predecessors

April 2014

  • Hugh Muir

    Guardian diary
    Diary: The judgment of Moses. Here cometh the regulator

    Hugh Muir
    Hugh Muir: And lo he will frown on blagging, hacking and the like

March 2014

  • Greenslade
    Former Tory MP on 'the giants of journalism' and megalomaniac editors

    Jerry Hayes recounts his experiences with Fleet Street's finest

September 2013


    Political science
    Berks, wankers and wonks: how to pitch science policy advice

    If you want to advise policymakers about science, learn from Kingsley Amis and Alan Clark, argues Stian Westlake

August 2013

  • Alan Clark

    From the Guardian archive
    Archive: Tory MP Alan Clark makes racist 'bongo bongo land' comment

    Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom is not the first politician to be accused of using racial slur

September 2009


    Alan Clark: The Biography by Ion Trewin

  • Politics blog
    Alan Clark was a Nazi, says Dominic Lawson

March 2009

  • Politics blog
    Clark and Brandreth's four rules for a great political diary

    Andrew Sparrow: Tips from two of Westminster's best memoirists

October 2005

  • Simon Hoggart

    Simon Hoggart's sketch
    Diarist's fine wines fetch £52,000

    Simon Hoggart
    They sold off Alan Clark's wine collection at Christie's yesterday. It was not an enormous quantity, but most of it was very good indeed, and the sale fetched £52,767.

July 2005

  • Dumbledore's death in the style of Alan Clark

June 2004

  • Coven's footnote to Clark diaries

    In his diaries, Alan Clark called them the coven. Yesterday, the mother and two daughters with whom the former Tory minister went to bed collected substantial damages for a false claim that they had demanded money to keep quiet about it.

February 2004

  • Alan Clark bows out on a low

    TV overnights: BBC4's six-part dramatisation of the Alan Clark Diaries, which began with a record audience of nearly 1 million, finished last night with just 153,000 viewers. By John Plunkett.

January 2004

  • Early promise fades for Alan Clark Diaries

    TV overnights: The Alan Clark Diaries lost a quarter of its audience last night, but remains the most popular ever show on digital arts channel BBC4. By Jason Deans.

  • Alan Clark's diaries do have their place

    I disagree with Roy Hattersley's objection to the BBC televising Alan Clarke's diary (A soggy souffle of self- regard, January 19).

  • Clark's diary pulls viewers to BBC4

    The first episode of The Alan Clark Diaries delivered a record 1 million viewers for BBC4, providing a fillip for the corporation at the end of a bruising week.
About 66 results for Alan Clark