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Ann Clwyd

The latest news and comment on politician Ann Clwyd

July 2023

  • The former Labour MP for Cynon Valley, Ann Clwyd was the first female MP to represent a seat in the valleys of the south Wales coalfield.

    Ann Clwyd obituary

  • Ann Clwyd

    Tributes paid to ‘courageous, fearless, principled’ Labour MP Ann Clwyd

September 2014

  • Parliament Votes On Air Strikes Against The Islamic State In Iraq

    MPs give backing to air strikes in Iraq – but wonder where intervention will lead

    Parliament votes in support of military action against Isis, but not without reservations and voices of dissent

October 2013

  • NHS complaints report

    NHS complaints procedure needs radical overhaul, report finds

    Ann Clwyd's co-authored review was commissioned by PM following Francis report into failings at Mid Staffs NHS Trust

January 2013

  • Corrections and clarifications
    Corrections and clarifications

    Ann Clwyd MP | Vincent van Gogh | Robin Lustig | al-Qaida

December 2012

  • bahrain christmas hampers mps

    MP refuses to accept hamper from Bahrain's ambassador

    Ann Clwyd, a member of inquiry into human rights abuses by Bahraini regime, returns package to Fortnum & Mason


    Unlike Ann Clwyd's husband, my mother received tender care from the NHS as she lay dying

    Alex Clark

    Alex Clark: We all deserve to end our days peacefully and be treated with compassion

    • Corrections and clarifications
      Corrections and clarifications

    • Cameron admits NHS nursing problems after Ann Clwyd complaint

    • Ann Clwyd: my husband died like a battery hen in hospital

May 2011

  • William Hague

    Bradley Manning case: William Hague accused of 'playing avoidance game'

    Labour MP Ann Clwyd also says Foreign Office is stonewalling Manning's mother in not responding to letter

February 2010

  • The media's tall tales over Iraq

    Brendan O'Neill
    Brendan O'Neill: Ann Clwyd's false claims that Saddam used a people shredder was as dangerous a justification for war as Blair's dodgy dossier

December 2006

  • MPs vote to remove Clwyd as PLP leader

  • Labour backbenchers in move to oust 'patsy' Clwyd as chair of parliamentary party

April 2006

  • Blair envoy reveals plight of Iraqis lost in jail maze

    Ann Clwyd links scandal of missing detainees to abuse in coalition prisons.

May 2005

  • Clwyd elected to top Labour job

    Backbencher Ann Clwyd has been elected as the new chair of the parliamentary Labour party.

August 2004

  • Iraq envoy Clwyd to join privy council

    The prime minister's special representative on human rights in Iraq, Ann Clwyd, is to become a privy counsellor, Downing Street announced today.

March 2004

  • 'Who will help Saddam's victims unless we do?'

  • Ann Clwyd, human rights envoy to Iraq

December 2003

  • 'I couldn't have looked my friends in the face if I had opposed the war'

    Kamal Ahmed
    She's the firebrand left-wing MP who stunned the Commons into silence when she backed Tony Blair over Iraq. Many said she saved the Prime Minister's skin. After a momentous year, Ann Clwyd talks to Kamal Ahmed.
About 24 results for Ann Clwyd