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Kate Green

The latest news and comment on Kate Green

November 2022

  • Kate Green.

    Byelection looms as MP set to become Greater Manchester deputy mayor

    Appointment of Labour’s Kate Green would trigger byelection in Stretford and Urmston

July 2021

  • “Slicing [funding] in a different way has created a new inequity with many schools in deprived areas losing out” says Geoff Barton, Association of School and College Leaders.

    Funding for deprived schools in England has shifted to wealthy areas, study finds

    Poorer students suffering as the government’s national funding formula results in increased payments to schools in affluent areas

June 2021

  • Kate Green, shadow education secretary

    Labour to force vote on ‘totally insufficient’ school catch-up plan

    Opposition plan comes amid Tory MPs demanding urgent rethink of lost learning scheme

April 2021

  • A school teacher looking stressed next to piles of classroom books.

    Work pressure in Covid lockdown was shattering, say teachers

  • Polly Toynbee

    Boris Johnson's latest 'build back better' pledge won't get Britain back to work

    Polly Toynbee

February 2021

  • James Wharton

    Former Tory MP in row over appointment as head of Office for Students

  • Children being homeschooled.

    Covid could cost children £350bn in earnings due to lost learning, says IFS

December 2020

  • Young primary school aged children sit in a school

    School leaders and councils demand clarity on primary closures

    Haringey advises its schools to close despite not being in government’s ‘contingency framework’ areas

September 2020

  • Students in lockdown at Manchester

    Delay university term until on-campus testing ready, says Labour

    Letter to education secretary comes as thousands of students confined to halls after outbreak

August 2020

  • Exam hall

    Delay A-level and GCSE exams to give pupils more time, says Labour

    Shadow education secretary Kate Green says exams should be pushed back to June 2021

July 2020

  • Labour’s shadow education secretary, Kate Green, at the House of Commons.

    Labour decries 'wasted summer' of inadequate support for pupils in England

  • Keir Starmer

    Keir Starmer accuses PM of placing parents in 'impossible position'

September 2016

  • Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith appear on Sky News.

    Whoever he is, Labour’s next leader must set right the party’s problem with women

    Rachel Holmes
    Embroiled in a macho civil war, Labour has no women in leading roles. Its next leader will be a man – but here’s how his feminist shadow cabinet should look

June 2016

  • Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott

    Jeremy Corbyn turns to grassroots after bruising day ends with Labour in turmoil

    Call for party unity falls flat as backbenchers join attacks on leader, with shouting, tears and rival sides briefing against each other

May 2016

  • John Crace

    The politics sketch
    Project Fear: no longer the sole preserve of Tory patriarchy?

    John Crace
    Harman and Eagle were right to say female voices needed to be in the EU debate – until Seema Malhotra parroted Osborne’s message

April 2014

  • A disabled person in an office

    At last, Labour has a plan for getting disabled people into employment

    Sue Marsh
    Sue Marsh: Rachel Reeves and Kate Green are moving Labour away from defining the problem as one of 'shirkers' who can work but don't

February 2012

  • Top Totty on sale in Strangers bar

    Word of Mouth blog
    No more Top Totty for the strangers in parliament

  • Top Totty beer

    Top Totty banned from parliament bar

August 2011

  • Dangleberry Ale pumpclip

    Worst beer pumpclips - in pictures

    'Top Totty' beer has been taken off sale in the House of Commons due to its offensive pumpclip. Unfortunately there's plenty more where that came from

July 2007

  • Credit where it's due

    David Blunkett and Kate Green have come up with a plan to help people in poverty avoid the need to use loan sharks.
