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A crisis of democracy? A Guardian Open Weekend debate

The Eurozone crisis is raising profound issues of democratic accountability, while across the Atlantic, the American political system has struggled to rise to the policy challenges of the economic downturn. What will it take to revive the legitimacy and credibility of western political traditions? David Miliband MP, Jeffrey Sachs, Ngaire Woods and Jonathan Freedland take part in the Guardian Open Weekend debate

Watch the debate in full
  • David Miliband on voting in his own constituency: 'South Shields feels a very long way away from politics' - video

  • Ngaire Woods on democracy and globalisation: 'We should hold each of our own governments to account' - video

  • Ngaire Woods: 'Democracy is not just about being elected' – video

  • Jeffrey Sachs: 'I think we're facing a crisis of governance' – video
