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Andrew Rawnsley interviews

  • Yvette Cooper at the Labour conference: 'We can do it if we pull together' - video

    The shadow home secretary talks to Andrew Rawnsley at the Labour party conference

  • Chris Huhne: 'We want to get as much of our manifesto implemented as we can' - video

    The secretary of state for energy and climate change talks to Andrew Rawnsley about his relationship with Nick Clegg, the politics of coalition and his extra-marital affair

  • Andrew Rawnsley interviews Iain Duncan Smith

    The former Conservative party leader and current Work and pensions secretary talks about his war hero father, his time as a 'radical leftie' in Perugia and his support for the Iraq war

  • Labour party conference: Jon Cruddas talks to Andrew Rawnsley

    The MP for Dagenham and Rainham tells Observer columnist Andrew Rawnsley why he backed David Miliband for the Labour leadership and how the party can unite around Ed Miliband

  • Liberal Democrat conference: Paddy Ashdown interviewed by Andrew Rawnsley

    Former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown talks to Observer columnist Andrew Rawnsley about coalition government with the Conservatives

  • Observer fringe: Andrew Rawnsley interviews Ken Clarke

    The shadow business secretary talks about Margaret Thatcher, the new 'puritan' politicians and the idea of Tony Blair as the president of Europe

  • Observer fringe: Andrew Rawnsley talks to Peter Mandelson

    The business secretary talks to the Observer's political commentator about his relationship with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and his old moustache
