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Andrew Roth's parliament profiles

Erudite summations of 76 of our best-known, highest-profile (though not always best-loved) politicians have been compiled by the inimitable Andrew Roth
  • Comrade Kinnock

    Natural, boyish and famously ginger, the 'Welsh Windbag' was doomed to lose two elections. But, even in exile, the father of New Labour is still a powerful figure in British politics.
  • Charles Kennedy

    Charles Kennedy takes his politics seriously, if not himself. Disguised by his genial manner, he has emerged as the most realistic politician to have led the Liberal Democrats, if we accept politics as the art of the possible. Doubters in his party point out that he also takes this pragmatism to extremes, even to the point of seeming bland.
  • Teresa Gorman

  • Stephen Twigg

  • Tony Blair

  • Tony Benn

  • Simon Hughes

  • David Blunkett

  • John Swinney

  • David Trimble

  • John Prescott

  • Jack Straw

  • Clive Soley

  • Jim Wallace

  • Chris Smith

  • Andrew Smith

  • Clare Short

  • Geoffrey Robinson

  • Gerry Adams

  • Rev Ian Paisley

About 77 results for Andrew Roth's parliament profiles