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Alien life

April 2024

  • HI Res Dr Lisa Kaltenegger 1Q2A9195-Enhanced-NR-4

    ‘We live in a golden time of exploration’: astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger on the hunt for signs of extraterrestrial life

  • Artist’s illustration of a hypothetical uneven ring of dust orbiting Boyajian's star that could explain strange dimming of light.

    ‘Is it aliens?’: how a mysterious star could help the search for extraterrestrial life

February 2024

  • Mimas in orbit around Saturn

    Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon has hidden ocean under its crust, say scientists

    Calculations suggest a 45-mile-deep internal body of water lurks beneath Mimas’s 15-mile-thick icy shell

January 2024

  • In a grass field are a series of wood cut-outs painted to resemble a flying saucer, a tall green alien, and a white family next to a car with the hood up smiling at the alien.

    Pentagon ex-UFO chief says conspiracy theorists in government drive spending

  • Collage of a man watching the sky through binoculars and various shots of UFOs

    ‘It only takes one to be real and it changes humanity for ever’: what if we’ve been lied to about UFOs?

September 2023

  • Gullies in Noachis Terra, Mars.

    Scientists hail pioneering software in hunt for alien life

  • Jupiter's moon Europa

    Scientists excited to find ocean of one of Jupiter’s moons contains carbon

August 2023

  • Joel Snape

    Super-intelligent aliens are going to destroy humanity? Whatever

    Joel Snape
    I’ve thought long and hard about UFOs and interstellar predators, and I know I should be terrified. However …
  • Space man … Jonny Lovejet .

    Strange sightings: are there really UFOs in Port Talbot? – in pictures

    According to actor Michael Sheen, the Welsh steel town has an ‘extremely high number of sightings’ of unexplained phenomena. Photographer Roo Lewis set out with his Port Talbot UFO Investigation Club
  • Three witnesses testify before the house on their encounters with UFOs (Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA)

    Today in Focus
    How the search for UFOs reached the US Congress

    The quest to discover whether or not we’re alone in the universe has become an obsession for many Americans. Some of them are elected officials, reports Adam Gabbatt in Washington DC

July 2023

  • Whistleblower and former representative on the defense department's UAP task force David Grusch testifies before Congress in Washington DC on Wednesday.

    US conducted ‘multi-decade’ secret UFO program, ex-intelligence official says

    Whistleblower David Grusch claims ‘non-human’ beings found as issue of alien life receives highest-profile airing before US Congress

June 2023

  • A sign outside the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel, Nevada, the closest settlement to Area 51.

    Are aliens that bad at parking? What we need to ask about recent UFO revelations

  • Deputy director of US naval intelligence, Scott Bray, plays a video of a UAP during the first US public hearing on the phenomena since the 1960s.

    Brief letters
    Style points for extraterrestrials

April 2023

  • Man with arms crossed in front of note on a computer screen saying Juice launch is postponed.

    Blast-off to Jupiter moons postponed for fear of lightning strikes

  • This Aug 25, 2020 image captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope shows the planet Jupiter and one of its moons, Europa, at left, when the planet was 406 million miles from Earth. The new photo was released by the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020. (NASA, ESA, STScI, A. Simon, M. via AP)

    Science Weekly
    Juice Mission: why has the search for alien life moved to Jupiter’s moons?

December 2022

  • The Very Large Array at the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico.

    If aliens contact humanity, who decides what we do next?

    Scientists setting up ‘post-detection hub’ in Scotland are concerned humans would react ‘like headless chickens’

July 2022

  • alien-01

    Out of this world: Guardian writers on their favourite movies with aliens

    To celebrate the release of Jordan Peele’s new UFO thriller Nope, critics have picked their top films about extra terrestrials

April 2022

  • Jupiter's moon Europa

    Jupiter’s moon Europa may have water where life could exist, say scientists

  • Milky Way, seen from the Valley of the Rocks in Exmoor, UK.

    Scientists hope to broadcast DNA and Earth’s location for curious aliens

December 2021

  • NASA's James Webb Space Telescope<br>epa09614360 (FILE) - An undated handout file picture made available by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows NASA technicians lifting the James Webb Space Telescope using a crane and moving it inside a clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, USA (issued 01 December 2021). According to NASA, engineering teams have completed additional testing confirming NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is ready for flight, and launch preparations are resuming toward Webb's target launch date on 22 December 2021, at 7:20 a.m. EST. Webb's primary mirror will collect light for the observatory in the scientific quest to better understand our solar system and beyond. The JWST is an international project led by NASA with its European (ESA) and Canadian (CSA) partners.  EPA/NASA/Desiree Stover HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

    Science Weekly
    Nasa’s new space telescope and its search for extraterrestrial life

    Ian Sample is joined by Prof Beth Biller to talk about the James Webb space telescope, which is scheduled to launch on 22 December, and could give us a view of the universe deeper and more sensitive than we’ve ever had before
About 367 results for Alien life
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