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European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology

June 2010

  • old lady dancing PRESTWICH TORIES conservative club

    Ovary transplants could extend women's lifespan, mice study suggests

    The lifespan of mice that had ovary transplants was extended by more than 40%. A similar effect may be seen in women who have had transplants to maintain fertility
  • pregnant mother

    Pregnant women who drink alcohol may reduce the sperm count of sons

    Expecting mothers who consumed more than 4.5 alcoholic drinks a week were more likely to have sons with lower sperm counts

  • Obese women

    Being overweight doubles the risk of miscarriage after IVF

    Doctors have found the first clear evidence that overweight women face a heightened risk of miscarriage after undergoing IVF

July 2008

  • Obese men have less and poorer quality sperm

    Fertility doctors advised obese men to lose weight if they want to start a family

  • New quality test for embryos boosts chance of pregnancy, say fertility doctors

    Test trials helps doctors select healthiest embryos and show method boosts chances of embryos implanting

    • My biological clock isn't loud enough

      Ian Sample
    • IVF twins not as risky as thought, say doctors

    • Fertility: Doctors find test to predict chances of IVF success
