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A short history of equations

  • Shannon’s information theory

    Without Claude Shannon's information theory there would have been no internet

    Alok Jha: How to make communications faster and take up less space on a hard disk
  • Fourier's transform

    The Fourier transform lets you have your cake and understand it

    Alok Jha: Teasing apart the ingredients of a jumble helps scientists to study complex things that change over time or space

  • Newton's second law of motion

    What is Newton's second law of motion?

    It explains force, whichever way it is happening
  • Einstein's theory of mass and energy

    E=mc2: Einstein's equation that gave birth to the atom bomb

    Alok Jha: Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 for the first time connected the mass of an object with its energy and heralded a new world of physics

  • The ideal gas equation, PV=nRT=NkT, chalked on a blackboard

    The ideal gas law – why bubbles expand if you heat them

    Alok Jha: Pressure, temperature, volume and the number of particles of a gas can help predict how it will behave
  • wave equation

    Sound, light and water waves and how scientists worked out the mathematics

    What violins have in common with the sea – the wave principle. By Alok Jha

  • Einstein's theory of special relativity

    Why you can't travel at the speed of light

    A short history of Einstein's theory of relativity
  • The second law of thermodynamics

    What is the second law of thermodynamics?

    Endless movement between hot and cold will eventually mean the end of the universe

  • Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

    What is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?

    How the sun shines and why the vacuum of space is not actually empty

  • Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation

    How Isaac Newton's encounter with that apple ended up helping send rockets into space

  • Maxwell's Equations

    What are Maxwell's Equations?

    Alok Jha: How a Scottish physicist formulated the equations that showed us how to electrify the world
