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A month in space

Our favourite images captured by telescopes, probes and astronauts over the past month
  • This happened on April 21, 2014, when Hubble was being used to monitor changes in Jupiter's immense Great Red Spot (GRS) storm. During the exposures, the shadow of the Jovian moon Ganymede swept across the center of the GRS. This gave the giant planet the uncanny appearance of having a pupil in the center of a 10,000-mile-diameter "eye."

    Jupiter's gaseous eye, a moon impaled and a Halloween sun – in pictures

    This month’s pick of the best space-related imagery has a theme: pareidolia, or the human tendency to see meaningful shapes and patterns where none exists
  • The Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft approaches the International Space Station, carrying Expedition 41 Soyuz Commander Alexander Samokutyaev, NASA Flight Engineer Barry Wilmore and Russian Flight Engineer Elena Serova, 25 September 2014.

    Rosetta selfie, bands of Mars and ghostly spokes of Saturn – in pictures

    Our monthly roundup of best space-related imagery in the known universe includes the second largest spiral galaxy found by Hubble Space Telescope, the North America Nebula and a snap of the cosmos filled with millions of galaxies
  • The sun emitting a mid-level solar flare

    A spacewalk selfie, the Giant Squid Nebula and an origami solar array – in pictures

    This month’s roundup of the best space-related imagery in the known universe includes a dramatic solar flare, a cosmonaut’s selfie and an improbable marriage between technology and the ancient Japanese art of paper-folding
  • This view, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows a nearby spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433.

    An anniversary on Mars, the death throes of a galaxy and space lettuce – in pictures

    Our collection of the best space imagery of the summer includes the Curiosity Mars rover, a galaxy that’s going out with a bang, and lettuce grown on the International Space Station
  • This light-year-long knot of interstellar gas and dust resembles a caterpillar on its way to a feast. The caterpillar-shaped knot, called IRAS 20324+4057, is a protostar in a very early evolutionary stage.

    A cosmic tadpole, Jupiter's shrinking spot and Nasa's flying saucer – in pictures

    In this month's roundup of the best space imagery, a giant storm is waning on Jupiter, Nasa prepares its Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator, and a galaxy cluster known as 'the fat one' lives up to its name
  • A month in space: anechoic chamber

    A cosmic plughole, echoes from the big bang and the most peaceful place on Earth – in pictures

    This month's roundup of stunning space imagery includes a black hole spinning at half the speed of light, evidence of primordial gravitational waves, and a spiky chamber that excludes all radio, TV and cellphone signals
  • The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy

    Rosetta the comet chaser awakes, a cosmic Catherine wheel and the Hand of God – in pictures

    This month's roundup of space-related imagery features the wake-up signal from a hibernating spacecraft, the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy and a nebula powered by a dead, spinning star

  • A month in Space : collision between a dwarf galaxy and a much larger galaxy

    Colliding galaxies, Martian moons and the black hole in the Milky Way's heart – in pictures

    Our monthly collection of the most spectacular space-related imagery

  • A Month in Space : This striking cosmic whirl is the centre of galaxy NGC 524

    A monster star in the making, a Martian volcano, Earth's 'selfie' and Curiosity's successor – in pictures

    Our pick of the best space-related imagery includes the birth of a star that will one day be 100 times the mass of the sun

  • Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin on a spacewalk

    Einstein at the space station, a sleeping black hole and sledging on Mars – in pictures

    This month's pick of the best space-related imagery includes the arrival of Albert Einstein at the International Space Station, a black hole that has dozed off after running out of things to eat, and the tracks of dry ice blocks that skidded down Martian slopes

  • A month in space : ESO spectacular stellar nursery IC 2944

    A month in space: cosmic clouds and a rocket launch – in pictures

    Cosmic clouds, a Soyuz rocket take-off and the latest goings-on at the International Space Station feature in the pick of images from our solar system and beyond

  • A month in space: the W49B supernova

    A month in space: a champagne supernova in the sky (or rather the W49B) – in pictures

    Also featuring in our pick of images from our solar system and beyond from February is the Chelyabinsk meteor explosion and a robot called R2, who may or may not be a relation of R2-D2

  • A month in Space : Collage of solar images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

    A flyby of Venus, a dying galaxy and a birthday toast to Edgar Allan Poe – in pictures

    Swing by the planet Venus, glimpse the fate of the Milky Way and pay tribute to a master of the macabre on Mercury – all from the comfort of your own home

  • A month in space: winter wonderland on Mars

    A winter wonderland on Mars, ultramassive black holes and a cosmic sneeze – in pictures

    Our pick of the best space-related images from December includes an aerial view of Mars dusted with carbon dioxide frost, black holes tens of billions of times as massive as the sun, and a dramatic spray of stars

  • A Month in Space : Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of super massive black hole

    Galaxies like fireflies, a bridge of hot gas, and a catastrophic decline in cosmic GDP – in pictures

    Our pick of the best space-related images from November includes a graph illustrating the terminal decline in the universe's output

  • A month in space : A giant bubble blown by the massive Wolf-Rayet star HD 50896

    A month in space: the Mars Curiosity rover continues its exploration – in pictures

    Curiosity takes soil samples from the red planet and a cosmonaut has a crew cut in the Guardian's pick of images from our solar system and beyond

  • A month in space : astronaut Aki Hoshide, Expedition 32 flight engineer during ISS spacewalk

    A month in space: quantum teleportation, a shuttle's final flight and mysterious Martian spheres – in pictures

    Our pick of the best space-related images from last month includes the first experimental steps towards a global quantum internet

  • A monthe in space : Natural color view of Titan and Saturn from NASA's Cassini spacecraft,

    Hubble's hidden treasure, Hot DOGs and space sugar – in pictures

    Our pick of the best space-related pictures includes a stunning Hubble image brought to light by an amateur astronomer, hot dust-obscured galaxies and sugary molecules in the gas around a young star

  • A month in Space : Northern Polar Dune Field on Mars

    Nasa gets a postcard from an old Martian rover, the mystery of the vanishing dust, and a new moon for Pluto – in pictures

    Our pick of last month's best space-related images

  • A monthe in Space :  the transit of Venus across the face of the sun

    Mickey Mouse on Mercury, space lichen and a little blue astronaut bird – in pictures

    This month's pick of the best space-related images includes the likeness on a distant planet of Disney's most famous creation, organisms that can survive the rigours of space, and a treat for tweeps

About 36 results for A month in space