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A day in the life of ...

Read about a typical day in the life of various professionals working across the social care sector
  • man ignoring girlfriend

    I see domestic abuse everywhere – but people still don't understand what it is

    As a domestic violence worker, many of the young women I work with have no idea they are experiencing abuse
  • car speeding

    As a probation officer, I have to believe that people can change

    I was a social worker before going into probation, so I understand what it’s like when people’s lives haven’t gone to plan
  • Alice Nabbanja signing

    I was destined to work with deafblind children in Uganda

    Alice Nabbanja supports families as well as training other professionals and volunteers
  • teenager smoking drugs

    Adoption social work: 'I can't change the past for these children'

    I help adoptive families in crisis to try and prevent placements breaking down and keep children out of the care system
  • young man doing taekwondo

    The secret to good social care? More listening, less talking

    My brother has complex learning disabilities and inspired me to work in the sector. Now, my organisation supports him
  • Damian Ball

    Being positive about my deafness inspires the deaf children I meet

    I take an eight tonne lorry around the UK, teaching young people and their families about deaf awareness
  • child painting

    I help women and children in refuges heal together after domestic abuse

    Children who have experienced domestic abuse often feel grief and shame. As a refuge worker, I try to help them recover from the trauma
  • child reading

    I didn't choose this job to be popular but I'm proud of being an Ofsted inspector

    I’m still a social worker at heart, but as an inspector I can encourage the best of frontline work on a bigger scale
  • Buses in Waterloo garage, London

    Sexual abuse of people with learning disabilities is too often overlooked

    I am the only Home Office-funded sexual violence adviser for people with learning disabilities. It’s the most rewarding job I’ve done
  • child playing in rotherham

    Preventing child sexual exploitation: in an ideal world my job wouldn't exist

    I train staff at children’s homes and schools to manage the risks for children who go missing from care or who are at risk of being exploited
  • A boy with his back to the camera

    Adoption is a journey that doesn’t end with a placement. I’m there for it all

    From supporting contact with birth families to running activities for children of similar backgrounds, I help through the highs and lows of adoptive life
  • plastic figurines of parents and children

    I help homeless parents traumatised by losing contact with their children

    Parents who don’t look after their kids can be judged harshly. I offer an environment in which they can talk about their children and feelings
  • A Christian cross against the sky

    Churches have covered up child abuse before. My job is to make places of worship safe

    As a safeguarding adviser, I give advice on child protection issues and what to do when abuse is suspected or has occurred
  • brother and sister standing next to tv

    I have seen the damage caused when children are deprived of their basic needs

    Four years ago I started my own training company, dedicated to raising awareness of the needs of looked after, adopted and vulnerable children
  • Girls playing with a jump rope

    It's all too easy for social services to miss privately fostered children

    The case of Victoria Climbié, who was privately fostered, means we have to be vigilant about identifying exploitation and abuse
  • A girl sits next to a cardboard box with her doll

    Knowing a child will be placed with a 'forever family' makes me happy

    As a senior social worker I juggle court cases, family visits, paperwork and mentoring newly qualified colleagues
  • martyn dunn

    I help deafblind people go on the holidays they've always wanted

    Whether it’s horse riding or canoeing, supported holidays give people with complex disabilities the chance to get away from it all
  • pregnant woman holding bump

    'One person had her housing benefit stopped while in hospital giving birth'

    As a support officer for a housing provider, I help people who are one step away from homelessness
  • brightly coloured tropical fish on a coral reef

    I left a life of fish to help carers find careers

    I was a fish biologist in Papua New Guinea but realised I’d rather work with people, and now I advise carers on combining work and caring
  • nick

    Sport and safeguarding: keeping children safe on and off the pitch

    Safely recruiting coaches and volunteers for sports clubs can be a challenge; my team and I provide training to make sure children are protected
About 120 results for A day in the life of ...