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January 2024

  • An illustration of the digestive system, with food and gut bacteria.

    Science Weekly
    Secrets of the microbiome: the skin – podcast

    Ian Sample meets professor in cutaneous biology Julie Thornton who tells him how it helps with everything from wound healing to immunity

February 2022

  • Potato being rubbed into skin

    Beauty hacks
    Can rubbing raw potatoes on your skin soothe acne?

    Spuds contain vitamin C and salicylic acid, so rubbing slices on your skin should ease spot flare-ups … or so the theory goes

September 2021

  • Oscar Rickett

    The agony of acne: ‘I channelled adolescent turmoil into a fixation with my face’

    I was 14 when the spots arrived, turning a boy who got admiring glances on the bus into an unlovable outsider. But were my problems more than skin deep?

July 2021

  • Martin Love with a shabby wall behind him

    Self and wellbeing
    How ‘acne positivity’ is helping teens – and soothing the scars of a lifetime

    Teenage spots can ravage not just skin but mental health, too. Martin Love considers the lasting issues that can still be triggered years later

October 2020

  • Masks on washing line composite

    Wash your mask daily: the ultimate guide to face coverings

    Experts explain the best ways to handle and wash masks – and how to avoid ‘maskne’

December 2019

  • Ten of 12 recorded deaths by Roaccutane users in 2019 were suicide

    Suicides linked to acne drug Roaccutane as regulator reopens inquiry

    Expert working group to re-examine safety of drug used by about 30,000 people a year

October 2019

  • LED Observer Mask

    Beauty and the beam: the future of LED therapy looks bright

    It’s non-invasive and has been proven to work. But can LED therapy really be a miracle cure for everything from acne to tired skin? Rachel Cooke sees the light

December 2018

  • Skin treatment, beautician squeezing pimples from face of young woman

    How I found light at the end of the very dark tunnel that acne plunged me into

    Simon Troeth
  • Pre-teen boy suffering from Acne<br>ADOLESCENT ACNE 13 ANS BASTIEN LAVALOU

    Genetic study of people with acne raises prospect of new treatment

September 2018

  • Kali Kushner without makeup: ‘There hasn’t been as much backlash as you would think.’

    ‘Pimples are in’ – the rise of the acne positivity movement

    From Justin Bieber to Lorde, celebrities and bloggers are going bare-faced on social media and opening up about skin problems. And with 25% of women over 30 experiencing acne, it’s not just a teenage affliction

March 2018

  • Acne problem.

    Seven ways
    Seven ways ... to manage acne

  • Justin Bieber thinks spots are cool

    Pass notes
    Justin Bieber spots a new fashion trend – pimples

November 2017

  • Woman with acne

    Dr Luisa Dillner's guides
    Have I got adult-onset acne – and do I need treatment?

    It’s often not taken particularly seriously, but acne affects 20% of women and can cause scarring in a fifth of those. But there are effective ways of treating it

July 2017

  • Woman, 89 years, talking to a nurse

    Dementia and Alzheimer’s main cause of death for women, says Public Health England

    Female life expectancy is now 83 years but many women will spend a quarter of their lives in ill-health, finds report

February 2017

  • Dr Bav Shergill - Consultant Dermatologist - with a red light shining on his face

    Heal thyself: meet the doctors living with the conditions they treat

    Would you be in safer hands if your doctor had the same illness as you? We hear from a dermatologist with a skin complaint, a psychiatrist with depression, an oncologist who survived cancer and a maternal fetal medicine specialist who couldn’t conceive. By Chris Broughton

June 2016

  • Pre-teen boy suffering from Acne<br>ADOLESCENT ACNE
13 ANS

    Dr ­Dillner’s health dilemmas
    Will I get acne if I eat fatty foods?

    Greasy food is often thought to cause spots, but there are worse culprits for zits

May 2016

  • Philippa Perry

    A letter to my acned 16-year-old self

    Philippa Perry
    It’s not the insults – it’s the compliments that really get you down. With acne listed as a factor in young suicides, here’s what I wish I could tell the teenage me

February 2016


    Children's books
    Spot the difference: why don't teenage book characters have acne?

    80% of young people suffer from acne, but it’s not something you spot very often in the world of young adult fiction. Why is this, asks author Juno Dawson?

July 2015

  • A sign outside a hospital entrance directing visitors to various departments

    Awkward patients aren't to blame for GP workloads – we really are getting sicker

    Alanna Collen
    For every one who requests shoes, there are many more with conditions such as allergies, acne, depression and IBS which are on the rise

May 2014

  • Handsome student in pain having a headache

    Blogging students
    Learning to live with a skin condition at university

    Skin conditions affect more than your appearance: your social life and confidence can suffer too, says a student blogger

About 55 results for Acne