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A worker in winter

The people holding the UK together in unprecedented times

  • Abdul Khan making a delivery

    The hidden life of a courier: 13-hour days, rude customers – and big dreams

    An army of drivers risked their health to get us goods during lockdown. But what is it like making deliveries while negotiating parking fines, traffic jams and spiralling costs?
  • ‘It’s hard work, but we take pride in what we do’ … Rachel Hallos at Beeston Hall Farm in Yorkshire.

    The hidden life of a farmer: playful cows, imperious sheep – and a grinding struggle for survival

    The UK has some of the cheapest food in the world, but thanks to spiralling costs and the effects of Brexit, farmers like Rachel Hallos are on the edge. She explains why she could soon lose the way of life she loves – and her family depends on
  • Agency care worker Chevonne Baker standing in a residential street.

    ‘After a week in the job, I couldn’t stop smiling’: the joy – and heartbreak – of life as a care worker

    Chevonne Baker loves her work and the elderly people she looks after. But even at the best of times it is exhausting and poorly paid – and this winter she’s had to cope with Covid and a staffing crisis
  • Michelle Dornelly at the De Beauvoir hub of the Hackney Community Food Hub

    ‘My life is not my own. I eat, breathe and sleep this’: the single mother who has fed 100,000 neighbours

    In despair at problems in her area, mother-of-four Michelle Dornelly set up a food hub for hungry Londoners – many of them refused by food banks. But the unpaid, full-time work takes a heavy toll
  • Lorry driver Rob Piper

    The hidden life of a lorry driver: long hours, fear of robberies – and living for the weekend

    The country would grind to a halt without hauliers such as Rob Piper. But do they get the respect they deserve? Our reporter joined him on the road to find out
  • Laura Mount outside Folly Lane medical centre in Warrington, Cheshire.

    The hidden life of a GP: angry patients, anti-vaxxers, extreme goodwill and exhaustion

    In the first of a new series on the under-pressure workers holding the UK together in this difficult winter, doctor Laura Mount reveals how staff sickness, spiralling waiting lists and political pressure have left GPs on the brink